Cultural Music -- A song for the music lovers!

Hello Music Lovers,

Those who follow my blogs, know that i share Sub-Continent music with you people just to promote the cultural traits of the region. How can music be a cultural trait? Answer is quite simple; All those things including thoughts which man has given to the society are basically the culture of that region/area/place. Off course it varies from place to place.

Music is a universal language of the feelings to be expressed through the melody of different instruments. When ever it is talked about the semi-classical music, Sub-continent region has it's own worth in this genre specifically. When music comes, boundaries do not matter. Good listeners are all around the world, as good music touches their souls by giving them goosebumps.

Today's song Afreen Afreen i have chosen is in the most unique voice quality of the region, prestigious Sufi singer one and literally the only Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. Whenever i listen this song it touches my soul and takes me to the peaks of the silence.


~Possible English Translation of the Song [Courtsey]

It is not possible to praise the beauty of my beloved

Praise to the creator; Praise to the creator;

Even if you see my beloved, you would agree

Praise to the creator; Praise to the creator;

I have never seen anyone so beautiful

Body is like the statues of Ajanta Caves

Body is like a spell on eyes

Body is like a beautiful song; Body is like a perfume

Body is like mesmerizing music

Body is like perfumed moon rays

Body is like a blossoming garden

Body is like the first rays of the Sun

Body is like carved statue, eye-catching and arresting

Like Sandalwood

Like Marble.

(My Beloved’s) face is as fresh as flower

Is it her face or the moon?

Face is like a Ghazal, face is like the heart of Ghazal

Face is like a bud, face is like lotus

Face is like manifestation of imagination

Face is like a dream, and its interpretation too.

(My Beloved’s) Face is like a tales of Alif Laila

For one moment real and in another, an imagination

Face is like no other

With a forehead which is moon like

so is her body.

When I saw her eyes I was transfixed

They are like two cups of wine that are ablaze

Are these eyes? or the two doors of wine-house

Do I call them eyes or a part of my dreams

Her downward glance is the symbol of shyness

Her upward glance is like prayer

When her eyes look down after upward glance, it feels like a style

When her eyes look up after downward glance, it feels like a punishment

Eyes, in which the sky and earth are captured

like Narcissus (plant)

(and) Greyish

The story of the tresses of beloved is also long

Tresses, like shadows on my heart

Tresses, like over-cast dark clouds

Tresses, like some black specter

When tresses get entangled, so does the world

When tresses become straight, then writing this song becomes easy

When tresses spread apart then black night encroaches

When tresses sway then the night sings

Tresses, like chains, but so beautiful Like Silk

It is an understood fact that good music always gives you goosebumps and motivates you to recharge yourself, happened several times with me. Especially, whenever i felt myself down both physically and spiritually. You should try this music therapy once to check the consequences, i am sure you won't be disappointed at all ;)

Until Next Time,
Ba-Bye :)

© Salman Bukhari

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