Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right...

Just a bit of tough-love motivation from "the nicest asshole on Steemit"...

Life has a funny way of making us second-guess ourselves. Don't let it. It seems easier said than done, but it's really not. If you're reading this, you have SteemPower at your fingertips, and that's nothing to scoff at. Steem can allow you to grab life by the horns, you just have to let it, and go for it. This post is something I probably really needed to hear about 3 years ago...



If you think you're "stuck", you're absolutely right.

No matter what it is, I severely doubt it has the kind of power over you as you may think it does, but if you believe you have no options, none will present themselves. Much more often than not, things aren't going to just fall into your lap, and no one is going to do it for you. Only you can take the steps to make a real change in your life. When you see a rock on your left, and a hard place on your right, remember that you live in three dimensions, and there are always going to be solutions to your problems. You may not see them now, but if you don't believe they exist, they won't, that's just a hard truth of life. If you don't like your job, your house, your city, your relationships, change things up. Live on your own terms, not someone else's. A little bit of selfishness can allow someone the freedom to grow into someone more capable of selflessness. It's OK to put yourself first, in fact, I highly recommend it.


Fear is not your friend, so treat it like your enemy.

Most feelings of being stuck can be traced directly to a fear. A fear that one will be rejected, or fail. Fear is a powerful emotion, but you are even more powerful than that, you just have to know it. When you punch fear in its stupid face, and decide to take risks that could lead to a brighter future, doors will knock each other down to open in front of you.
Fear is a ball-and-chain, making everything you attempt that much harder. Fear will keep you in a dead end job, and waste your time. Fear will make you think you're not worth everything you wish you had. Fear will do its best to keep you in check, and will creep up on you every time you give it a chance. Fear, no matter how intimidating, is wrong, and weak. Its bark is far worse than its bite, and when you face it head on, you can turn your fear into motivation. If you don't take risks to make things happen, someone else will, and you'll just have to watch from the sidelines.


Own your faults

Anyone can make decisions about you, but there's only one person that can make decisions for you. Your situation in life, and the way you carry yourself, are yours to own. No one else can make you the person you think you are, or the person you want to be. Know your weaknesses, and understand your strengths. Don't be embarrassed to ask questions. Many others are likely better than you at something, but you are also better than many others at something else.

Life is full of failures. It's how we learn, and how we grow. If someone tells you they've never failed at anything, they're lying. The key is to fail gracefully, and "get back on the horse"... By understanding your weaknesses, you will become stronger, and more adept at fighting off the fear and doubt that life can so regularly throw your way, and become better at bouncing back when you do fail. Work off of your strengths, and do everything within your power to better yourself, and in the process, inspire those around you to do better as well.


"...Take a look at yourself, and make a change.... HOOO" - Michael Jackson Batman

Do you.

Integrity has nothing to do with what someone else thinks or wants, and if you do what everyone else does, you're only ever going to get what everyone else gets. If you don't agree with the way you're treated, or you're not happy about past decisions, take steps to do better. There is always another job out there, even if you have to make it yourself. If you're not happy with the way you're treated by the ones you care about, or the "friends" you have, find new people to be around. Surround yourself with others who want to empower themselves, not someone who wants a crutch, or will be used as one. Find the people in this world who truly speak the same language you do.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi


Don't ever let "I can't" overcome "I can".

What is something you have wanted to do, but haven't quite gotten around to it? Let everyone know about it in the comments, and get motivated to make it happen! I hope this post has been a kick in the ass for anyone on the verge of creating something great. Remember, If you really want something in life, or desire a change, you're the only one who can do it. Don't depend on others to push you along.

Start doing. Today.


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