3 things about negative energy you need to know and how to deal with negativity

Hey Steemers!

Here are my motivational thoughts of the day about:



Negative Energy is there, it's human and it's necessary to keep a balance,

BUT it's up to us to be aware and limit it as much as possible.

1.) Negative Energy is a lot like a drug. It becomes habitual and eventually an addiction. We all know how great it feels to complain and talk shit about other people.

But once that "high" leaves you feel drained and stand even lower than where you started.

2.) Negative energy is contagious, meaning even if you're aware of your thoughts and try to be positive you can still absorb negative energy just by being around negative people and if you're around them for too long you start to think like them and become just as negative as they are. Be aware of WHO you surround yourself with and hang around people who see and push you towards achieving your vision.

3.) Negativity will keep you from reaching any of your goals, why? Because every thought you have goes through your body, out into the universe and whatever you put out there you will eventually get back in return. So be aware and remember: A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics"

- Albert Einstein

3 ways to avoid negative energy:

  1. Accept that negative thoughts come and make a decision to consciously let them go.

If you don't know how to meditate and let go of negative thoughts, give guided meditation a try:

2. Think before you speak:

Whenever you feel like complaining or letting negative thoughts out, try to replace each one with something positive and say that instead. Turn your initial negative thought into a positive output.

3. Smile:

Nothing is killing your happiness, but yourself. If you feel like you're having a bad day, you feel stressed and are in a negative mood try to smile even if you don't want to. Self-manipulation is a great way to fight negative thoughts and can save your day.


- Mrs.Steemit<
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