Use the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics when posting on Steemit

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What we expect is what we get, what we believe becomes reality, and we have the power to make those expectations and reality better. Negative thinking, doubting, fear, and all of the other low vibration emotions perpetuate more of exactly that - negative. Changing the way we perceive our reality can do wonders for what we attract. If you wake up in the morning thinking it is going to be a bad day then most likely it will. You can change this by simply thinking it WILL be a good day no matter what happens. Maybe something "bad" that happened will turn out to be "good" at a later time.

This thought process can be applied to the Steemit ecosystem
Every moment people are sharing their art, thoughts, emotions, and bikinis. This is a huge deal, we are immortalizing ourselves on the blockchain. People naturally desire feedback and validation, especially in a place like this where people bear their souls or share their art. When we don't get that feedback or feel invalidated then it can create a negative thought process which leads to more and more negative thoughts. Some people are resilient and keep going but the majority of people in any population let the low vibrations in.

What the Bleep Do We Know & Quantum Physics
Constantly staying in a frame of mind that everything is great is not easy! It takes practice and years of work. I did not know how much negative thinking has such an effect until I saw What the Bleep Do We Know. This movie/documentary changed everything and was a great introduction to Quantum Physics. Watch this movie it will change your life!

The theory put into practice
Back before I started printing shipping labels for Ebay and Etsy I had to go to the actual post office several times a week. There was a woman that worked there that nobody wanted to get when we are in line. . . ever! She was rude and mean to everyone. After interacting with her I would always leave with a negative feeling. After watching What the Bleep and practicing the Laws of Attraction I told myself it was going to be different with the Post Office woman. Before I went in I practiced in my head the following "We are going to have a good interaction and I will leave feeling good". When I arrived at the counter I smiled, asked how she was doing, and handed her my packages. She starting typing into the computer and weighing packages and said "I like your scarf"! EUREKA! It worked! I think she smiled a bit. I believed as I approached her that it was going to be good and it was. I left feeling great.

What does this have to do with votes?
As you are preparing your creations you are hopeful and excited to share - continue that feeling. Do not let anything change that. Believe that people will enjoy your content, believe that it is worth sharing and valid to the world. When you are vibrating at this level, you will attract what you want. It may take time but just keep going. Our thoughts become our reality. What are your thoughts?

#quantumphysics #whatthebleep #lawofattraction

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