Trey Canard is back riding!

One of the most injured riders of all time but somehow seems to come back faster each time!

This guy has had a tough time over the years, the worst one being landed on during his time at Honda HRC which broke his back!

I remember watching this race and thinking OMG! I felt sick and thought how the hell can someone survive that...

He is know for being a positive guy and i think that's all that saw him through those tough times.

How the hell someone goes through all of that with a smile on their face and gets right back on and starts winning again is out of this world! Just goes to show the power of positive thinking!

After switching to Red Bull KTM he has had some back luck and setbacks which saw him injure his shoulder and then break his collarbone which took him out for the first few outdoor races. He's hoping to be back fully for Redbud and i cant wait to see him line up again.

Here's a quick video of him training (It's filmed with a tongue in cheek humour which is nice to see)

I really hope to see him back riding again as he is a nice guy and nobody deserves the rough ride he has had. Good luck Trey and hope to see you back on top soon :)

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