Anniversary on a Motorcycle Part One

It was fifty-four degrees, breezy and sunny with blue skies, the promise of Spring finally taking root.

Going for a walk on a day like today wouldn't require more than a light sweatshirt to be comfortable. Unless of course you were visiting from a southern state like Florida, then you would be freezing, but for northerners just coming off of a long cold winter, it's nearly balmy.

However, if you have ever been on a motorcycle, then you'll know that breezy translates into windy and unless you only go for a short ride, you will quickly find yourself chilled and fifty will feel a lot more like thirty. Because I do know this, I layered up. In fact, I wore long johns top and bottom, two pairs of pants and five sweatshirts. And being that my top sweatshirt is blue, the overall visual effect is something like Violet from Willy Wonka after she ate the gum and started blowing up.

I nearly cut myself from these pictures, then figured it was as good a place as any to start working on my vanity issues.

The first part of our day consisted of a scenic ride along Seneca Lake to Watkins Glen with a small entourage. Halfway to our destination (an Italian Restaurant) is Hector Falls, providing a nice first photo op for the trip.

These two pictures along with the one just below were taken with my new GoPro, a camera I am still trying to get used to. Particularly the odd way the pictures curve around. The rest of the photos were taken with a new camera app on our phone, and I unfortunately can't say that I prefer the GoPro yet. Maybe once I've played with it a bit more.

Our Tag-Alongs

This was actually my first time at Jerlandos, and I have to say their wood-fired pizza is amazing, highly recommend.

After the delicious meal we decided to ditch the entourage, and head to Taughannok State Park, which gave us another scenic ride, this time along Cayuga Lake.

Taughannok is located in Trumansburg NY and home to several waterfalls. The one I'll be focusing on in this part is what people consider the "Main Falls" and is in fact the falls that the girls all walk to in Chapter One of Reborn.

It is not the one that Anna describes in the beginning, that one will be the focus of part two. And instead of walking the bottom trail to the falls we chose to go to the scenic overlook, mainly because we got a late start and probably wouldn't have made it before the sun went down. Also it affords me the opportunity to do another post down the road about the the trail to the bottom of the falls.

The visitor center

Entrance to the Upper Trail

The Main Falls are a staggering 215 ft in height, making its drop nearly 50 feet higher than Niagara Falls

The last time I walked the Upper Trail, it took us to a place very near the top of the falls. I've heard that part of the trail has since been shut down due to hazardous conditions. One of my missions later this spring will be to discover if that's permanent. (Also to sneak my way over to it even if it is... danger? I laugh in the face of danger, muhaha)

Here you can see the end of the lower trail on the bottom right.

Even though I'm calling these my anniversary posts, they also could be considered the first two blogs in a series of waterfall and gorge articles that will be coming your way, as this area is literally teeming with them.

Stay tuned for Part Two of our Anniversary, many more photos of beauty to come.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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