#MOTU TeelaKpop heads towards Windemere


I was brought into MOTU (Masters of the Universe) through @choogirl's post as TeelaKpop. Here is where I got introduced. So I am here to take over that character and enter the MOTU realm as her. I hope you enjoy it.

TeelaKpop took a moment after She-Ra and KubbyGlimmer set off from Castle Grayskull to decide what her course of action was going to be.

"I'm going to head off to help as well", she told Sorceress Julia.


"Of course. Keep an eye out as there seem to be a lot of others around as well, also in search of the same thing", The sorceress told TeelaKpop.

"I will. I will come back to see you once I am done helping before I return back to see He-Man". With that, she was off.

TeelaKpop walked outside and hopped inside the Wind Raider, that she has used to get to Castle GraySkull in the first place. She loaded up some music to help her on her journey. One of her Korean Pop Bands had insisted she take a copy of some of their recent songs, and of course, she was more than happy to accept the music.

wind raider.png

As she flew upwards and towards Windemere she got closer to Vile Marsh. Looking down she saw a bunch of different characters she didn't recognize. She slowed down a bit and turned her music off. She noticed someone sneaking out of the woods and attempting to bite an overly large chickens leg, she almost yelled out to warn the big chicken but it had noticed the danger, ducked an incoming blow from a blade and took off running.

"That fat chicken really is fast", she said aloud.


She kept hovering in the Wind Raider and noticed that She-Ra and KubbyGlimmer were together near the marsh. KubbyGlimmer was walking towards Mosquitor with something in her hand. She watched as she sprayed whatever was in her hand, which after a couple of moments seemed to have killed him.

"Good Riddens", she mumbled.

It was clear She-Ra and KubbyGlimmer were doing their thing, kicking ass and taking names. TeelaKpop was sure that they would be alright so she was just deciding to fly off towards Windemere when she noticed the big chicken she had seen early slumped against a tree, looking terrified, clearly trying to catch its breath. So she brought the Wind Raider down closeby and hopped out.

"You all right, chicken?" She called out.

"I say, I say, I am a rooster thank you very much," He said proudly and breathlessly.

"Alright, well rooster. You need a bit of help or what?" TeelaKpop said to him.

"I am just a little bit tired. I was almost food for some guy hiding with a blade near the edge of the marsh. I don't think I have ever run that fast in my life." He said.

"Well, you got away so that's all that matters. Why are you out here by the Vile Marsh anyways? It isn't exactly a place suited for someone as thick as you. Plus, you seem to have no weapon to actually defend yourself with. So..." She trailed off.

"So. So! So what?! I am perfectly able to defend myself out here. I haven't gotten eaten yet and um...Alright, well I had a partner, a nice lumberjack fellow but we ended up parting ways. I ran into this guy named Fisto, he has this big arm, but he took off that way past the marsh. I am here to get to some place called Windemere." He said, and then huffed. He cleared seemed out of breath just from talking.

How the hell did he manage to run away so quickly from that guy in the marsh when he can't even get a couple of sentences out without losing his breath? She thought to herself.

"Alright, well you look fine then. I'm going to be off then. Good luck." She went to turn around and she was stopped by the Rooster's voice.

"Well uh, maybe we could go together? I mean I lost everyone anyways and it seems everyone I meet is headed in the same direction.." He trailed off. "You are headed in that direction as well, are you not? Miss..."

"TeelaKpop. Yes, I am headed in that direction. Fine. I will take you with me to Windemere, but that's it. No farther." She blurted out.

The rooster sidled up beside her immediately. Oh god, was she going to regret this? The two of them walked over to the Wind Raider.

"Woah! This is yours? This thing is amazing." He went to hop in and had some trouble. He tried to fit in beside TeelaKpop but it was clear he was just a bit too fat.

"Try in back. This seats 5 you know." She said, rolling her eyes just a little.

The rooster moved his fat behind to the back, taking up a good 2 seats all by himself.


TeelaKpop could hear him huffing with exhaustion. She rolled her eyes and said, "Hold on". Just as she was lifting the vehicle into the sky a fast moving person with blades attached to their head like a helicopter flew by.


"What the damn hell?!" She yelled. She turned her head to see the man fly a bit further and land on a large lion.

"I don't know who the hell that was, but we better get going." She raised the Wind Raider up into the sky and headed off to Windermere. She could still hear the Roosters heavy breathing behind her.

"I'm just going to turn on some music for the ride", she didn't even wait for him to answer. She turned it on, loud enough to drown out his excessive breathing.

In a couple of moments, she was setting down the Wind Raider right outside Windemere. She got out, and the Rooster joined her.

"I say, I say, that was some delightful music", he said smiling but clearly breathless again just from getting out of the vehicle.

"Yes, it is. Anyways, we are here. Have a safe journey." She turned to walk away and the Rooster once again spoke to her.

"TeelaKpop? I just had one question. Do you happen to have anything to eat?"

She looked straight at him and said, "You must be kidding me. Of course, I don't have anything to eat right now."

"Ah well, alright", he looked a bit defeated. She continued to walk away and heard some footsteps behind her. When she looked back the Rooster was about 10 feet behind her and when he met her gaze he turned a bit to the side like he had been caught, but pretending that he was not following her. She returned to walking again and heard his footsteps.

He was a bit annoying with his heaving breathing, but she clearly didn't see him as a threat so she allowed him to trail behind her. For now.

To be continued...

What happened to the Rooster's Mysterious hunter?

Did the Rooster ever get something to eat?

Who was the man with the helicopter head?

When will TeelaKpop see She-Ra and KubbyGlimmer at Windemere?


Stay tuned for more #MOTU fun.

Characters that made an appearance or were mentioned:

She-Ra - @choogirl
KubbyGlimmer - @kubbyelizabeth
Sorceress Julia - @shellyduncan
Rooster (Donny) - @goldenarms
Inspector Scootadget - @scooter77
Blade - @darkfiction
Fisto - @bmj

Thanks for reading.

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



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