FREE 1SBD - Mystery Movie Quote: " You're my goddamn hero " - What's the Movie ?

The above statement is a movie quote. What's the Movie ?

FREE 1SBD To a random steemian who can


(Please reply with your answer. Prize awarded in five days on 03/18/18)

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The quote is stated a couple of times. Here is the last time...

Full Quote / Scene: You're my goddamn hero.

Ryder: I got a gun, I'm gonna use it. I'm gonna take your life back.

Ryder: Hey.
Garber: - Come on, man.

Ryder: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five--

Ryder: You gonna take this down to zero?

Ryder: Come on, motherfvxker, shoot me.

Garber: - I am not going to shoot you.

Ryder: Five, four. Come on.

Ryder: Three.

POLICE: Police, drop your weapon.

Ryder: I'm disappointed in you. Two.


Ryder: You're my goddamn hero.

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This is a easy quote contest, but I will give a bonus quote from my favorite scene from the same movie:

For a bonus 1 SBD, explain the Bonus Quote / Scene below and why does she say "WE NEED MILK"

Bonus Quote / Scene #1: WE NEED MILK

Therese: Where are you?

Garber: - I'm at a heliport. I'm getting ready to get on a helicopter...

Garber: - ...because they want me to take the money down to the tunnel.

Therese: What? Are they crazy?

Garber: - It's real simple. There's nothing to it.

Garber: - What it is, is he knows I'm not a cop, so he wants me to come down--

Garber: - They need me to take the money down because they know I'm not a cop...

Garber: - ...and, you know, they're saying that he might kill somebody, honey.

Therese: Well, then somebody has to die, because you can't.

Garber: - I understand, baby. Listen to me. Listen to me.

Garber: - Just tell Angela at the meet--

Garber: - When she runs over the hurdles.

Garber: - Tell her to run straight through the hurdles.

Garber: - Just like I always tell her, okay?

Therese: You tell her yourself.

Therese: Now, you listen to me.

Garber: - - Yeah, I'm listening.

Therese: Now, you do what you have to do,

Therese: but we need milk.

Therese: So on your way home, I want you to bring a gallon.

Garber: - Of milk? Okay.

Therese: You promise.

Garber: - Why do we--? Why a gallon?

Garber: - Why not a half a gallon?

Therese: Just bring a gallon. A gallon.

Garber: - Okay. Okay.

Garber: - I can get a half a gallon, I'll get a half a gallon.

Garber: - I gotta go.

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Additional Movie Pictures ...

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FREE 1SBD To a random steemian who can


(Please reply with your answer. Prize awarded in five days on 03/18/18)
If you want to keep the Mystery Movie Info a mystery, send the Mystery Movie Info to @goldkey on steemit.CHAT

There are FIVE ( 5 ) days to enter.


The Pics Are Hints!


###Let's have a little fun with this:

- Comment on favorite actor/character!

- Add another quote from the movie

FREE 1SBD To a random steemian who can Identify the Movie, Just the Movie Name !!!

(Please reply with your answer. Prize awarded in five days on 03/18/18)


Identify the movie? The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)


"WE NEED MILK!" - This statement by Garber's wife Therese is her way of getting Garber to promise that he will come home. She had already stated, "... because you can't (die)...". Also, as Garber was suggesting that Therese tell Angela (daughter) to run straight through the hurdles, she told him to "... tell her yourself...". Therese was not accepting any ideas that Garber may not come home.
"WE NEED MILK" is just a task and a promise that gets Garber Home!

WINNER: @surripio - Congrats!

Winner 1SBD to @surripio from @goldkey for The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) !!!

WINNER: @sweetleaflove - Congrats!

Winner 1SBD to @sweetleaflove from @goldkey for - WE NEED MILK - The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) !!!

•by @goldkey


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