The dark knight / 黑暗骑士 | 谷哥点名 #5 电影

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My favorate film is the dark knight(2008, Directed by Christopher Nolan), I have seen this film more than 5 times. Today I will share this film with you.


This is a film about justice and evil. Each role in the film has a distinct personality. Batman played by Christian Charles Philip Bale is the embodiment of the justice, who was a superhero, but he never appealed his real face. He was a playboy during the day, and at night Batman came out against the criminal. His principle was no killing.


The opposite is the representative of the evil--the joker. This role is played by Heath Ledger, who is one of the most gift actors I have ever seen. But as the saying goes, The flame that burns twice as bright burns twice as fast. I like this role most, and the people who have seen the movie must certainly be impressed by the joker deeply. The joker always used a knife in hand, and lies on everything. He said many versions about his scar on his mouth. He is a man without destination and plan, so he could action before other people all the time. Everything he done is not for money, as he said, "I'm a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just do things." And the housekeeper, Alfred, also told a same story, that a group of bandit robbed the special stones, the local government asked them to look for the stone, and finally they found the children of the village playing a big ruby, they learned that this group of bandits who grabbed the stones were just for fun rather than for money. On this opinion, they experience the happiness of the process, so I think if we should learn from them at that point?


The joker believed that all the nature of man were evil, "When the chips are down, the civilized people will eat each other.", he made people to choose, to force people to make the evil choice.


In the first episode, the joker let six guys rob the bank, and told them to kill each other when they had done, so less people could get more rewards. People killed each other because of their greed. And then in the bang, several people needed to kill each other to survive.

In the second episode, the joker made the batman choose to save his girlfriend or the district attorney. This is a test of human nature, one is the most love, and the other is Gotham's hope. It's for his own interest to save his girlfriend, and saving the district attorney is for the whole city. This time, batman followed his own heart and chose to save his girlfriend. But the joker gave the wrong message, so that his girlfriend died and the district attorney was saved. This made him burnt into Two-face.

In the third episode, there were two boats, each of which had a bomb, and the detonator happened to be in the hand of the other ship. One of the ships held the ordinary citizens who had their own occupation and life. And the other was the criminal charged by a warden. Everyone on board was tortured, to bomb the other ship or to wait to be bombed. "To be or not to be, that's a question", and is an urgent question. The joker thought people would fight for living. But the reaction of people disappointed him. An outstanding scene is that a criminal buddy's behavior moved me deeply. When he got the detonator, directly threw it out of the window. And all I want to say is, "I respect him because he is a real man."

Finally the justice was over the evil, but the movie is more than that. It get us think about our human nature. What is right or wrong, think deeply. Once things have been thought before, it's okay to do it just following your heart.

I seek the means to fight injustice to turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. --Bruce Wayne

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