Movie Trailer or Music Video? Either Way it is Awesome! What is Your Favorite?

I am really digging this new style of movie trailers. (Well new to me... I am kind of slow on the uptake.)

This font is clearly a shout out to He-Man

If there is anything I learned from the release of the first trailer for the next Star Wars movie, it is that the creation of movie trailers is a huge business. I realize that for many of you, my previous statement is the equivalent of exclaiming "water is wet"... but I honestly hadn't noticed. I was amazed to see that the new Star Wars trailer, which was released only 2 days ago, already has nearly 25 million views.

Getting 25 million people to choose to watch your commercial is no easy feat. (Unless it is Star Wars related. I'm pretty sure they could slap together still close up photos of the actors' shoes and 25 million geeks would check it out to see if they could glean any top secret info from the reflection seen in the patent leather boots).

But for any other movie, it is truly an art.

My absolute favorite phenomenon is creating trailers that feel more like a music video than a movie trailer. I'm not sure how long this has been happening, but I personally started to take notice after first seeing the trailer for Logan.

Whoever decided to pair Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails with the beaten down images of Wolverine is an absolute genius. The mood created by that pairing was perfect. When the trailer ended, I said "Wow. That is powerful. I must see that!". Luckily the movie did not disappoint.

Well last week, Marvel did it again.

I have a twelve year old son so no matter what, I know I am going to see every PG-13 rated Marvel movie without exception. This includes the upcoming third installment of the Thor franchise. I have known for a while that I am going to see it... but I wasn't very excited. AlthoughI liked the first two Thor movies, I did not enjoy them as much as many of the other Marvel projects.

Thanks to the brilliant trailer for Thor: Ragnarok that was released last week, my level of excitement has sky rocketed.

Knowing that they already had the 12 year old crowd hooked, the creators of the newest trailer decided to set their sights on old people like me.

Not only did they use AWESOME 80s graphics and fonts, the trailer is basically a music video for one of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs of all time: The Immigrant Song.

Just as Johhny Cash's voice helped prepare me for an emotional and painful Wolverine movie, hearing Robert Plant's wail got me completely psyched for what should be an action packed and fun Thor movie. Whoever came up with this pairing deserves a HUGE raise. After watching it, I was so pumped that I could have run right through my door and straight to the theater!

The only problem is... Thor: Ragnarok does not open until November 3rd.

I'm going to have to find something to do with all of this pent up energy. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Maybe I can start walking to work...

If I see the trailer a few more times, I may need to start looking for some car poolers.

I'm sure I am late to the party ( I always am when it comes to this stuff).

So what have I missed?

What are some other trailers that are more like cool music videos than ads for movies?

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