The Move : The Calm Before the Storm

I've seen so many of these moving timeline infographics on Pinterest and every time I see one I chuckle at myself in horror.


8 week ago... Wtf was I doing 8 weeks ago? I sure as hell wasn't starting a moving folder. I dont think I was even sure we were moving 8 weeks ago

7 weeks doesn't matter since it's a local move.

6,5,4,3,2 weeks is all getting sorted this week, like right now. As I type this, hubby is talking to the water people.

1 week out ~ packing?

Nah man. I'm lazing about enjoying the way my muscles feel and how tidy the house is. I know all that is going to change soon.

It wasn't that long ago that we last moved and I remember the aching back, the sore muscles, the raw hands from all the cleaning.

Shits about to get real!

So I'm enjoying now.

The movers have been booked. This time next week I'll be blogging from our new house.

I'm hoping we can get the keys earlier than Wednesday so I can get the cleaning part out of the way before the Friday move.

Right now it's all about getting our utilities lined up.

  • Water is automatic and gets transferred along with the house
  • Electricity is ticked off, final meter readings to take place next week.
  • Gas is on the to do list.
  • Internet is getting sorted right now.

Hubby is a machine at this. I'm just listening to him work his magic and get us connected. Thank God he's on holidays.

While you're here. Have I missed anything?

I have added to the to-do list.

  • Pest control at the new house
  • Gardener for this house
  • Carpet cleaner for this house

I still need to gather all my Pay it Forward items so I can put them out the front yard on Monday for whoever wants them.

Yep. Definitely the calm before the storm day and I'm going to enjoy every minute of today.

Happy Friday Everyone!

šŸ’— Arly

PS. Do you have any moving tips for me?

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