A Bathroom Break Playing MineSweeper

Creating post has never been more stressful...

When the submit button is clicked, my stomach growls in response and I have a sudden need to use the restroom. Maybe I should get that checked out. I can only guess possible diagnosis on why steemit is affecting my foul smelling gas and sometimes erratic bowel movements but I believe for the most part, this is due to the fear of failure or lack of success the post should receive.

Steemit abuse seems to be a very touchy subject as random users find themselves, flagged or downvoted for questioning the actions of other highly praised accounts. Each of us have dealt with various attacks fueled by irrational and benevolent trolls sucking the nutsack of any profit making opportunity they come across. It creates hostility, bitterness, hopeless contributors and separation, eventually manifesting into a ticking time bomb/mine, a volatile whale, hidden to the oblivious steemit user.. about to click submit.

What we deal with

what they deal with

You are encouraged to voice your opinion and reminded that steemit is a platform promoting free speech. You have an opinion and a good argument that will make everybody second guess their own. You submit, score some money, build your rep earn a follower or two. You feel like a badass and brave enough to do it again and again. This process is simple and the rewards seem limitless until you step on that mine, all of a sudden, this happens...

For some, credibility and reputation is ruined and the community immediately turns the other way... They must decide to start over or continue else where. For others such as myself... our reputation and credibility might take a hit, be acknowledged and laughed over but our ability to entertain is superior to some temporary inconvenient conflict and this is where I find myself... with a uncomfortably gassy stomach.

Creating content is very fun and easy to do.. I get excited and giddy like math nerds do with numbers... When I create, I am fully exposed and vulnerable to attack. Maybe it's because I'm opening a little more for everyone to see inside my head. Maybe it's because of my disorders that I carelessly continue to create and share with everyone, confidently stepping forward as if nothing can stop me. I think, somewhere along the way my nerves build up and subconscious thoughts and impulses react to the idea of "Failing".

When I finally am ready to submit, I've managed to damage and violate my toilet a few times too many and maybe this might be TMI but maybe another reason some might argue.. the reason it's impossible to write FOUR successful post in a 24 hour period. (unless of course, you're user @sirwinchester)

This might be amusing to me even after I've hit the submit button but for others.. it's a daily gamble that sometimes proves very fruitful to take a stand and provide facts for the community to consider. Most of the time I see other less fortunate users with limited resources and respect, deal with constant flagging without any information as to why they are being flagged. I do have to remind you... there IS A CIVIL WAR going on in steemit and although it's petty and can be easily resolved... it still doesn't look good for the platform as we look to invite bigger artist with a following, to bring their work and creations to steemit.

Here's a snippet from @klye (The ballsack and penis drawing phenom) I really agree with in his most recent post. Click here to read

and a great response he made in regards to recent accusations related to this feud

Bernie even chimed in and tried to clear the air as well

Taking into consideration what @klye suggested and @berniesanders responded to...

I would like to ask @berniesanders to please consider some of the smaller contributors possible motives and intentions regarding post. They may not be fully aware of the current situation or acceptance of certain subjects. Maybe you can check their post history and take into account the activity on their profile... is it full of spam, plagiarism and consistent bull crap clogging up the steemit space or is it full of actual consistent positive and quality information, BEFORE pressing the flag button. I support the effort to limit or rid the community of the scam, spam and plagiarism but I feel it's my responsibility to speak up for everyone who isn't the "privileged select" as I and other "Steemit Celebs" are.. by this I mean at least... providing some productive criticism of why you flagged it and how the post could be better so the OP can maybe edit the post accordingly. These are small issues that are resolvable without the need for drastic changes in the "next hardfork"

As for me...

I will eventually figure out a way to deal with my bubble guts and "post anxiety" and hope the ones getting shit on will eventually be the ones experiencing the same problem... which is to say, not too bad after the 4th or 5th time doing so. BTW, this might be another reason I'm dropping this weight pretty dam quick.

As I close this post off, I'm already 3 bathroom breaks deep... I want to thank everyone for their support and express my amusement of certain users threatening to bury me 6 feet deep as I'm now an enemy of theirs. Honestly, it is quite a amusing as this is only a mere defense or impulsive response to your inability to achieve greatness and provide this community with actual quality content that you originally created by yourself... but that's another story and post all together. Maybe.. JUST MAYBE... we might collaborate on a post that we can laugh at this situation instead of being bitter and unproductive. At the moment... I just wrote in my hashtags and edited my post title.. there's only one thing left,

Must Press Submit... After This Quick Bathroom Break...

Till Next Time... Adios Amigos

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