CircleJerk 101: Do Not Use These Hashtags...

Here's a tip for anyone looking for real success on steemit or bitshares... Stop Circlejerking!

Before I explain, I must give thanks to these very supportive bitshares users

@kenny-crane @konelectric @ash @virtualgrowth @alexpmorris @majes

From what I noticed.. these users are all valued members and contributors of the bitshares community who show the most love and support by upvoting, resteeming and even engaging thru comments on most of, if not, ALL my post.

If you clicked on this post to learn how to kiss ass to steemit or bitshares... you obviously do not know who I am.. @mrwang is not nor ever will be a...


I don't support flag wars, I report on them.. I do not cry victim to hate nor do I create hateful victims. I am a lone wolf, an independent creator who stands unbiased within the community. You will not see me kissing a whales ass like most of you do because I don't really give a dam about their "status" nor do I give a flying fuck about what "support" they can provide from their accumulated army of kiss asses.

This is a big boys playground... bring your confidence to the yard or GTFO

Which brings me to those hashtags I mentioned in the title...
Until I'm convinced otherwise.. I will no longer use or promote the use of the following hashtags, after this post is made.

I was in the price channel ( the other day when I finally agreed with some users I usually disagree with


All these post on steemit talking about "HOW GREAT STEEMIT IS"

Shut the hell up about it already! We all know this and that's why we're on here... unless you have a huge following, are an exceptional writer and are a hashtag guru... those kiss ass post are NOT going to be seen outside of this community. We don't need a reminder and those potential "quality content" users looking to come on board, can see that as too good to be true bullshit.

@ats-david @nextgencrypto @wingz ... Ya know what I'm talking bout


Seriously.. the life hashtag is way oversaturated

C'mon, really think about it.. everything could be applied to #life just as nearly everything posted on steemit could be in fact be applied to #steemit. Those are 2 hashtags that are used and abused worst than those hookers charging 5 bucks an hour plus crack, outside my neighborhood. It's time to be creative, grab your balls and make a new trending tag that represents yourself.. like #mrwang

#bitshares & #beyondbitcoin

WHAT? bet your mouth just dropped... haha, yea I said it.. I'm going on strike, I'm not using #bitshares or #beyondbitcoin, here's why...

Aside from the users mentioned above... I noticed a drop from either support or interest from the #bitshares and #beyondbitcoin communities. Why waste using 2 of my 5 limit hashtags on communities that most often times, seem to have lost ALL HOPE of success or fail to comprehend what valuable resources they have from some of us members. Let's not forget.. I partake in weekly hangouts, post in the bitsharestalk forums, actively communicate in most of the bitshares/BBH chat servers (telegram, discord, mumble.. etc), so..

shit is going to be quite awkward for a while..

At least until I'm confident these guys are ready to get serious again

I've offered several project ideas and even backed up those ideas with actual creations by myself... yet I see all my ideas, creations and project pitches... manifest from other users who literally use my entire idea, word by word or move by move and claim it, as their own. If you want my talents, services or support here on steemit... feel free to hit me up in the hangouts or the forums.. whichever you prefer.

This is not a rant, rage quit or a cry for help cause nobody likes me...

This is me, putting my foot down and advising anyone else questioning why he/she is losing support and upvotes from the once very supportive users they believed we're loyal and true... don't allow yourself to be a donation. Don't use a hashtag if the hashtag ain't providing what it should. I see other users on my level, still consistent with the 100+ upvotes and $50+ rewards on their post. #bitshares and #beyondbitcoin were a big part of my success on that part.. I've used them far less as of recent and of course.. taking my own advice.. returned to being quirky and creative with the hashtags.

Hope you enjoyed this read and take my advice as a positive, not a negative tone... please upvote and resteem if you agree with what I'm preaching. Leave any creative comments and feedback in the comments section below.. Consider these hashtags on leave of absence til further notice...

Till Next Time.. Adios Amigos

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