Just shit My Pants.. and You Won't Believe Why

Holy fucking jipplestick.. I don't know what that means but that's exactly how I'm currently feeling right now.

no images used in this piece

Walking my son out to the car, 9:30pm.. a shadow comes running into my peripherals, It was too fast and I was too slow to react. The shadow, a huge German Shepard charging directly at my son. The dog's head was eye level with my son's neck. He was only an arms length in distance, before we realized.

There was no time to react and my son started to run away from from the dog even worst.. from me.

The only hope I had left, despite not knowing the intentions of this canine, was the strength of my voice.


I managed to scream out an ugly enough distraction which actually sounded pretty damn close to an intimidating bark, mixed within the words. The dog was literally in jumping motion towards my son when it was startled by my voice. It instead jumped passed him and ran away.

I grabbed my son and walked him to the truck.. He was terrified of the unexpected surprise even more, my voice. Moments later, a car slowly rolled by, apparently looking for their lost pet who was now down the street, scaring the crap out of some other family... The blood curdling scream of another father, told me so.

It's safe to say.. this was a very friendly dog, no bark, no bite and no growling.. it was enjoying a stroll in the streets looking to play with everybody. Either way, it was too unexpected to play dog whisperer.. in the heat of the moment, I did what I could and for this moment at least.. it was good enough.

Im going to call it a night now, still need to calm down from this experience.. I keep asking my son of he's ok, despite not even being jumped on.

Don't know what I'd do with myself, if things happened completely different. This was a good reminder to always be alert, aware and ready for shit to pop off.. this the dam hood and right now, very disappointed in myself.

Til next time..

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