#WangChange Needs Your Support

I've been busting my ass for quite some time now... putting in the work and time while making sacrifices in my personal life, so I can help promote steemit, bitshares and viva.
got some logo rebranding designed by @epicdesigns
Created New & Affordable Exchange Opportunities For Everyone
Offered Everyone An Opportunity To Address Question and Concerns, Live in BeyondBitcoin Hangouts
and just today.. Created yet another Bitshares tutorial for knuckleheads like me

Are You Not Entertained?
In order to keep up with the current events, news updates, promotional videos and maintain a steady and consistent workflow of all these videos and projects...
We Need Your Support and Help
Bills, Fees and Expenses Need To Be Paid
My loyal and very supportive token holders need to be paid
Fees Need To Be Paid
$500 USD or 1,456.76103 BTS

Bills, Expenses & Maintenance
Babymama Drama
Yes, this is a maintenance fee.. maintaining a healthy relationship with my kiddos mother, helping her out with her own bills and expenses whenever needed which beats the hell out of having to pay Child Support.In Between Acting Gigs
My vehicle is very important as it gets me to and from auditions and acting gigs spanning from my home in Houston, Tx all the way to Los Angeles California. Aside from that, the fees and bills I must pay in order to stay in communication with my agent, casting directors and producers are becoming more of an annoyance as of late, because I've committed so much of my time to producing for the community and trying to make some extra income thru it.@virtualgrowth
@virtualgrowth for the most part.. has bit his tongue when it came to my mistakes or accidents I've made.. he's put in more then his fair share of time, money and creations to help bring WangChange to the very respectable level it currently sits at. First off, I would like to publicly apologize to @virtualgrowth, you have done so much, you believe in what I do and your commitment and support is a vital part of the success of WangChange. Being my partner in this project can be tough.. but you still stay strong and keep pushing forward with me.Upgrading Equipment and Maintenance
To All My WangChange Token Holders
Cost of utilities, bills and maintenance has been the biggest reason for delays in sharedrops. I will eventually return to making consistent sharedrops once everything mentioned above is under control. My commitment to excellence still stands along with the willingness to share the rewards with my valued fans and investors.
Speaking of...
In Conclusion...
I am Wallace Carranza... Now's My Turn To Put Up Or Shut Up... consider this post, "ME PUTTING SHxx UP"
Till Next Time... Adios Amigos
Proud to be part of the #Whaleshares project
Come Hangout With Us On On Our Whaleshares Discord Server... "Unfiltered"

Help Me, Help You
Please consider purchasing some WangChange or donating to @MrWang to cover production cost and expenses to continue creating and posting original, quality and informative content for Steemit and Bitshares. 1 WangChange token is worth $150 USD each and can be purchased/traded on the bitshares DEX. You may contact me directly via discord and steemit.chat under the username @MrWang.
WangChange Available On Openledger