Minismallholding Meme Challenge contest #4

My flock queen, Ginger, is a real character, but the poor girl has rough moults! I'm sure she's got some choice words for me here! I can't wait to see what pops into everyone's heads for this one.


The winner gets the SBD payout from this post. If we struggle to pick just one winner (let's face it, we often do!) it will be shared.

To enter, download or copy this photo and post your edit with your meme. Use #mshcontest as one of your tags (It doesn't have to be the first one) and you can comment here with a link to your entry as well to make sure we don't miss it.

You may sumbit up to two entries.

It's not compulsory, but upvoting this post and resteeming if you wish will increase the reward pool. A winner will be selected after this post has paid out in about 7 days.

Have fun!

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