@Ma1neEvent Interviews Show Recap - @Papa-Pepper Join us LIVE, and then a chat with @JerryBanfield too!

A HUGE Episode of @Ma1neEvent Interviews
This Week on @MSP-Waves Radio!

Welcome to the Show!


This week was by FAR the biggest episode of the @Ma1neEvent Interviews Radio Show on @MSP-Waves!

On this week's episode, @PoeticSnake and I were joined by two members Steemit Community who I would consider to be "Steemit Celebs".... @Papa-Pepper, as well as @JerryBanfield!

You can tune in to the show LIVE
Each Wednesday from
10pm - Midnight / 5pm - 7pm Eastern Time
or in the
Peace, Abundance, Liberty Server - Home of @MinnowSupport


If you haven't heard of @Papa-Pepper, I would be very surprised! This outgoing Steemit member started out as someone who did enjoy taking photos and writing, but once he joined Steemit, he became one of the highest rewarded content creator on the platform and over 8,000 Followers. He is a family man, an aspiring homesteader, and much more. He spoke about all of the various contests and other games such as steem-pocalypse he has created on his blog that people have been enjoying. @Papa-pepper was kind enough to answer some audience questions in the MSPWAVES-Audience room on Discord. We talked about flagging, Community aspects of Steemit, Meeting Steemit members in person, and much more. Thank you so much @Papa-Pepper for taking the time to join us on the show!
I hope you enjoy our voice interview with @Papa-Pepper below:



@JerryBanfield has certainly made a presence here on Steemit. With over 18,000 Steemit Followers, and 200k Youtube subscribers, Jerry certainly has a large audience for his content. Jerry shared with us his experience joining the platform, and how Steemit has been slowly changing his perspectives. He shared some new projects he is working on, and we chatted a lot about how Discord Communities such as the Minnow Support Project are a great benefit to the Community. It was a great chat about how the Steem Block Chain has changed all of our lives for the better, and that we hope that continues into the future. Thank you for joining us on the show @JerryBanfield!


Would YOU like to be a guest on the Radio Show?

The @Ma1neEvent Interviews Show welcomes you to join us on the Airwaves to tell us your Steemit Story! We interview anyone from the Steemit Community! If you are interested in being a guest on the show, please send a message to @Ma1neEvent or @PoeticSnake on Discord, or Steemit.chat. You can also leave a comment below! We look forward to chatting with you, and hope to see you in the live audience chat next time!

See you next Wednesday for another LIVE episode from 10pm - Midnight UTC!

You can check out a full listing of all of the @MSP-Waves Radio Shows by visiting MSPWAVES.com.

Thank you for listening to the show!

MSPWaves Radio and its owners take no responsibility for the opinions or statements made by the talk show host or their guests. Statements or show topics are not necessarily the beliefs of the radio station. The material on this show is provided for educational and informational purposes only. This is strictly our opinions, and is for entertainment purposes only.

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