Carols of Contentment - Steemotion Contest

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This round's topic:


Contentment, in DEI, is the emotion that helps you feel good about yourself. It is one of the Happinesses, but has a specific purpose and arises when you have completed a job well, lived up to your own expectations, or behaved in alignment with your morals or code of ethics. It is a feeling similar to pride, but not in an overbearing or destructive way.

Contentment arises when you've done a good deed - like helping an animal or a person in need, or accomplished something you worked for - like getting a good grade on a test or a good review at work. It restores your belief in yourself, and re-energizes you to go on and continue with your bad-ass self - being the best you can be.



To learn more about Contentment and the other emotions, join me tomorrow on Emotion Integration at mspwaves 4pm EST/8pm UTC. Listen at the website, or join us in the audience channel at PAL discord

Rules of the contest:

• Submit only original, creative work (by you) expressing the topic.
• Creative work of any form will be accepted (audio, visual, literary, etc.) Length limit of 1000 words for stories/500 words for poems.
• If you submit a piece, you agree to let me share it (with links to your original post) during the show.
• I will announce winners during the show, and award prizes then or soon after.
• Winners will be judged not only on quality, but also on how well they represent the topic in alignment with DEI.

How to submit:

• Post your piece on your blog, with a link back to this contest
• Post a link to your blogpost in the comments of this post.
• Limit to 3 entries per person.


I will rank winners and distribute $11 SBD, accordingly.


Thursday April 12th 5pm UTC

There it is! If you have any questions, let me know.

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All payouts from this post and all of my March posts will be donated to the Blue Ridge Irish Music School. Read about it here.

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