Sim Your Life~ MSP Wave Radio~Episode 1

On DTube there is a video but for some reason, it's not showing up here.

Hi Everyone!

There are times, in life, a person is at the right place and time to help someone follow their dream. Sometimes you don't know what you are really doing but today I was a very lucky person and knew I was helping @Simgirl follow her dream.

Simgirl has worked very hard to get where she is today. She has been through many emotional times, good and bad, trying to learn and get ready for a spot on the MSP Waves Radio station.

Simgirl's life dream is to help people. She has found a way to do just that using a game called Sims.

She has played Sims, all of them, from the day they came out for purchase. Her knowledge of the game is beyond any I know. She still keeps learning and writing posts to help others, like me, to learn how to play the game.

She has been writing her Sim's blog posts, among other things, on Steemit since day one of her time spent here.

I'm lucky enough to call her friend so knew how much this has all meant to her.

Now you might be wondering how a game can help people. If it's so great why has no one else figured it out before? All great questions and some I can answer.

Through some tuff times between her husband and her, she started thinking about her Sim's. How, when you play the game, you need to keep all your Sim's traits in line. Having too much fun, while sounding wonderful, leaves their bodies and mind starving in other areas of their life not being unfulfilled.

Applying these new thoughts and idea's to her real life Simgirl realized her husband had his own unique traits. Simgirl being who she is, went to figuring out what his traits really were. Once known, she did a very Simgirl thing and accepted his traits for The good and bad of them all.

From there she started to look at life differently. Writing all she learned down in a book.

Which book? What book? How-To Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life of course!

Now her next dream became to share that knowledge with the world.

That's where today comes in. She had her first Radio show on MSP Wave Radio and I was lucky enough to be there alongside her.

Today was not easy for her or me. Both of us not being morning people. Well, I think she was one once but I might have rubbed off on her too much! LOL

Through headset's not working. Internet too slow. Someone being TOO loud. Computers crashing. Very little sleep. Quitting would have been the easy option. That wonderful friend of mine dug very deep and came back to try again and again. This is her life dream.

Today I was lucky enough to be there to witness it all and for that, I'm very thankful.

It started out ............. horrendous and evil at best. Were we being tested? Well, Poooooooo on you, whoever you are, that tried to ruin it all.

We made it through and ended on a much-needed laugh to do it all again next Tuesday!

Now I might need therapy by the time we are done but I will take that chance to help my friend.

Below is a bit of the show we put on Air this morning. It's the bit I could salvage from it all.

If next Tuesday morning at some awful time before noon CST (4-6 UTC / 11am-1pm EST) you need a laugh or two, you will want to tune into Sim Your Life on MSP Waves Radio to see what befalls us next.

Happy Day to You!

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