Songwriter's Shop Talk Episode 1 - Featuring @Soundlegion

   Greetings and salutations my dear Steemians. I'm here on this part of the internet to share with you the upload of the very first show of the "Songwriter Shop Talk" on MSP Waves. Man it was super fun, I for one had so much fun I'm struggling to wind down to go to sleep.

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   We talked about songwriting (of course), we talked about what music has meant in our lives, and and then proceeded to talk about spaceships, DMT and also about this talented musician and producer on Steem called @qrittix who also joined us in the audience.

   If you want to see what happened on the internet while you slept, this might be the video you want to start your morning with.

   Live Radio ladies and gentleman, with all its quirks, its ups and its downs is something close to magical, and I for one have experienced it myself tonight once more. I won't give out too many spoilers, because it's just better you listen.

   Once again, thank you to every single one of you friends who joined us, who laughed with us, shared some gifs and gave me a hard time too for the hiccups. I love every single one of you. Can't wait to do this all over again next week.

Much love

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