The Old Dog Asks: The Mundane as Art. Is Our Little Contest a Victim of It's Own Success?

19 Days ago I posted the theme for our latest round of the Mundane as Art Round 10: Ice!

The post has over 1,500 views and over 600 comments with sooooo many entries! 

Is Running This Contest Becoming a Full Time Job?

Hahaha, not really but it does take a lot of pleasurable time to go through all of the photos and get them down to a final 20 and then catalogue them to include in our virtual gallery series! Then we need to create and film the gallery and send the rewards to the 20 winners!  Whew! 

In a sense our contest is a victim of it's own success. Please be patient with me as I work through the process!

These Are The Top 44 so Far!

Please Bare With Me as I Complete The Tough Task of Getting Them Down to a Top 20! I'm Sure That You Don't Envy Me!

As you can see there are a lot of wonderful entries. I'm just letting you know that I'm working on the project and I'll try and get it completed in the next few days!

I hope that you enjoyed this article "The Mundane as Art. Is Our Little Contest a Victim of It's Own Success?" and I look forward to continuing our collaboration together!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!

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