Kota Tua or Old Town Jakarta Indonesia

Published on February 13, 2012
Email: museumnusantara@gmail.com. Blog: http: //www.darimuseumkemuseum.blogspo .... Edutainment Program "From Museum To Museum" invites people of all ages, to love the museum in the homeland that stores the cultural treasures and greatness of the Indonesian nation. This program is expected to bridge the lack of information about museums in Indonesia.


This is the old town in Jakarta, ex VOC building. Was Old Jakarta is considered a trading center for the Asian continent due to its strategic location and abundant resources.Currently, the Kota Tua or old town area is located in two municipal areas, namely North Jakarta and West Jakarta.

Tours Old town is often used as a tourists favorite place that is always visited by visitors, both local and foreign. This is not surprising because the old city is one of the favorite tourist area in Jakarta, in addition to a beautiful place and the price to visit the old city tour is cheap, on the other hand we can also know the various history of the capital city of Jakarta.

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