What is the Sound of Your Inspiration? | Week 3 [New Music]


Like every week, this project seeks to define the sensory and emotional world through melodies. On this occasion, we turn to an idea that we have incorporated into our vocabulary since we were very young, and we allow it to modify our conception of the world. It is essentially related to the arts, although it is not its only home since we almost always use it to name what we are unable to define— that force that often guides individuals to perform works that far exceed the expectations of its authors and society.

Before talking about it, I invite you to leave in the comments a song that really inspires you or defines how you feel under that state.

Let's start!


Inspiration is a figure of human invention, which is composed of many different pieces. It is part of the social imagination but, at the same time, it is an idea inherited from mythologies, fables, and knowledge that awakens a sense of rapture so intense that we can only accept it as devoted servants. It has become part of our culture. We use this name to define the invisible and internal world that moves us to perform majestic events, to build incredible pieces and to do works that go beyond the state of rest in which human beings are maintained most of the time.

It is capricious, volatile and unstable. It is a sublime state that pushes us to experience a sense of rapture that stimulates every fiber of our being and bridges us to the depths of our expression. Inspiration is the mother of the pure creation of the soul. It arises spontaneously, stimulated by the clash of many factors that apparently have no relation, but when all aligned they come together in different creations.

Inspiration can be defined in many ways, without a doubt. In fact, human beings have always had the intention of manipulating it at our whim. Deep within us, we hope that this day will come but, meanwhile, we keep on clinging to it with different rituals to enjoy its blessing in our different creations. However, there is a very tangible fact that allows us to reconsider its temperamental and inconstant character.

Picasso always said: "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." Perhaps there is the key; maybe the way to control inspiration is to link it to effort, to perseverance, and to know that it does not arise when we look for it, but when we work and strive. That would make more sense. Inspiration only gives us a few seconds of its majesty if it finds us tearing our soul in its honor. It only appears before the people who give the best of themselves, because just then, at that moment, they stop being mortal and they are transformed into creators.


So, if dedication and work is the way to access inspiration, it is quite normal for each individual, as their life progresses, to construct different rituals that evoke the conditions and environment necessary for inspiration to appear in their lives and their works. For example, some need a certain visual order in the place where they are, others have manias, concrete details or simply prefer absolute silence. Regardless of tastes or how we access inspiration, the important thing is to find our ritual.

In my case, one of the greatest sources of inspiration that I have is music. Music makes each sound a small capsule that holds different elements that allow my mind to evoke certain emotions or sensations. The music allows creating an artificial environment that contributes to improve or intensify the mood in which the individual who listens to it is in. Then, when all the elements are mixed and it is decided to start working, the inspiration arises, as if it was seduced by the environment, and the work ends up flowing with energy.

It is for this reason that this week I decided to define it. The following songs have many threads that can transport me to different moods. All have incredible potential that is linked to reflection and self-discovery, attributes that I consider necessary to access inspiration. These are very different songs from each other, however, they all have the ability to transport me towards reflection and very powerful emotions.

I hope you enjoy them!





Inside of myself


Come, it’s time


Around of your world


In the deep changes


Leaving my reality

REMEMBER: The goal of this project is to share music, so go to the comments and tell us what is the sound of your Inspiration.

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