Final Mix - "Silent Night"- #3 Steemit Holiday Sing-Along

We have come to the last of our Steemit Holiday Sing-Alongs. We have had a wonderful time making music with all our friends around Steemit. Thank you all for taking part and thank you to all our listening friends out there.
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My daughter Anna and I went to the shed and record the foundation tracks for "Silent Night" and asked Steemit musicians to come join in for a sing-along. These wonderful musicians answered the call:

  • @carlgnash - Vocals
  • @isaria - Piano and Vocals
  • @amberyooper - Bass and Vocals
  • @Anna Durddle - Vocals
  • @buckydurddle - Guitar and Mix
  • I have had a wonderful time making Christmas music with all of you. It has been a great couple of weeks of musical fun. I look forward to some exciting collaboration opportunities in the new year.

    Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New year

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