There's Nothing Good On Facebook Anymore - An Original Country Song

I'm sure y'all noticed. Facebook ain't what is used to be.

Here's my latest song, performed on the ground in the woods.

It's called There's Nothing Good on Facebook Anymore. I hope you like it. It's a little sad. I'm just warning you, cause if you cry, people around you might think you're a wiener. Anyway, here it is in its world debut!


There's nothing good on Facebook anymore,
Older friends and newer trends have got me pretty sore,
Being in touch is oh so much of what I used to adore,
But there's nothing good on Facebook anymore.

There's nothing good on Facebook these days,
Back in the day, it would get you laid, but I guess that was just a phase,
Cause now it's just a playground where your fat aunt Debbie plays,
There's nothing good on Facebook these days.

There's nothing good on Facebook, don't you know,
It used to be so cutesy, tell me, where'd the kittens go?
Endless memes and broken dreams have made a bigger show,
There's nothing good on Facebook, don't you know.

There's nothing good on Facebook, can't you see,
Where your very best gets you no less than popularity,
And no one takes a profit, 'cept for old Mark Zucker-B,
There's nothing good on Facebook, can't you see.

There you go!


But wait, there's more!


I've been writing a lot of songs lately, and not to toot my own horn, but they're usually quite amusing... Anyway, here's a few more from the last couple weeks!

This one's called "The Conspiracy Song"

And this one's called "Broke Again" (written when I was broke)

And finally, this little gem is a Steemit-themed parody of "Beat It," by Michael Jackson.

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed my songs, I would love a resteem! I'm creating these songs exclusively for Steemit, cause as you know, There's nothing good on Facebook anymore!

And stay tuned for my next song, a parody of "Hey Jude" entitled "Fake News." You'll want to check that out...

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