How Bach's First Invention May Have been Obscured By The Technology of His Time

Anyone who has taken piano lessons from a serious classical teacher has heard of and probably played Bach's Inventions. I know I did. I switched from a more jazz based piano teacher to classically trained pianist from my church. A few months later, after learning the First Invention, I decided to test my talent and audition to get into a prestigious local conservatory. When I played Busoni's edition of this invention, the classical teacher immediately got up and left. He came back with a manuscript of Bach's original writing, and a more edited version. When he played it I was shocked at how different it sounded. The next day I searched for at least an hour, trying to find a video or image of the sheet music with triplets, I was amazed, I only found one video among thousands. I decided to make this video to inform the world of how different Bach wanted his invention to sound.  

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