Revisiting 7 of My Own Compositions to Wind Down the Year

As we approach New Year's Eve, we enter a time of reflection. A time where we look to our past and change our future. Since I have joined steemit, I am sure more people have joined, and many are probably interested in the back stories, and years I wrote these compositions, so for this weekly 7 I am doing a list of songs that I have written that you may or may not have already seen.

7. My Doubts Resolved - 2016

I wrote this at the end of last school year because we were required to make a project for church, demonstrating our faith to God. Many people just did oral presentations, but I wrote a song. I wrote this at the first (and last) lacrosse game I've ever attended because I was bored out of my mind. (Sports aren't really my thing).

6. Even in my Darkest Hour - 2014 

I began to write this at the end of 2014, and finished writing it in 2015. This is a song I wrote while on a retreat with my church, I felt compelled to write a poem, and set it to music. (I don't have the poem, and it's not sing-able) so now it is just an instrumental piece.

5. Emily's Eyes - 2014

Trust me, you don't want to know. Moving on. . .

4. Out of Sight, Out of Mind - 2015

I wrote this between 2015 and 2016. It was the first piece of a musical I was trying to write which I called Imperceptible which I wrote about a man with Schizophrenia. I wanted to show people the horrors of mental illness, but I gave up the musical because of time, and to learn to write better music.

3. Buddy's Song (Old Highway) - 2014

I wrote this when I saw a T.V. show about this man named Louis "Buddy" Musso. He had mental health issues and was brutally murdered by a manipulative lady and her family. All she wanted was his life insurance policy, so I wrote this song when I heard his story.

2. Sonata in C# Minor - 2016

I wrote this this summer, just prior to joining Steemit. It was actually one of the first things I posted. I wrote it after listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (Hence they're in the same key). 

1. Symphony no. 1 - 2016

I wrote this because I wanted to try to write a symphony. So I made it in the key that all beginning composers write their first symphony in, C major. Anyway, I wrote this and posted it on steemit, It got a crazy amount of money, and did the best of any composition I have posted since.

Thanks for reading this! Remember to comment your favorite composition. As always, see you later!

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