Explosions in the Sky - "The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place" - Full Album - Music

Another band introduced to me by Marek, and discovered by him while we were together, is Explosions in the Sky.

He heard an interview with the band on NPR while driving, on which they played some of their music, came home raving about them, and promptly bought two of their albums online.

I loved them as much as he did, and this is one of the albums, "The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place," which we both played a lot from the beginning. Really wonderful music, especially if you're tired of the same old same old, and are ready to listen to some music made by and for functioning adults.

The album appealed strongly to me, as a lifelong environmentalist and fourth-generation conservationist, as anything promoting care of the Earth and her inhabitants has my blessing.

They are another band that is hard to categorize, and I've heard them described as "post-rock," "alternative rock" and more; suffice it to say that this band, out of Austin, Texas, is simply excellent all the way around. Give them a listen if you are so inclined.

All words are my own; the video and music belong to Explosions in the Sky, their production company and record label, and all rights remain with them. I own no rights, but am offering it here because far too few people are familiar with their music, which is well worth listening to, and I am attempting to gain them a wider fan base.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, Cori MacNaughton, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work without linking to this post, as all rights are reserved.

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