'Musicians On The Blockchain' Series : #5 | Step By Step Guide | Open Your Musicoin Account & Upload Your First Song & Extra Tips

'Musicians On The Blockchain' Series : #5 | Step By Step Guide | Open Your Musicoin Account & Upload Your First Song

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official parties mentioned in here.

Great News !!
With the recent high increase and popularity of the Blockchain and the great opportunities and earns it offers to musicians; from getting rid of the "Middle Men" in The current monopolized music industry and their ridiculous fees to the ease and speed in self Licensing to Publishing and Earning from your music on the Blockchain...
The 'word' has been spreading out and lots of new musicians are joining and growing the blockchain ecosystem by the hour!

With that said I been getting lots of inquiries and questions from our new fellow musicians on Steemit, Discord Chats and other social media platforms on how to set themselves up on Musicoin and start releasing and earning from their music on the Blockchain.

I did a guide tackling the mentioned a month ago but due to the demand I have compiled a new updated guide hoping in this guide i can answer your questions and help you get set up with your music on the Blockchain.

The below guide will explain in detailed step by step the process from how to Register your new Musicoin account, to the Verification, Licensing and Publishing of your first song on the Blockchain to tips on how you can Maximize Your Audience Reach and Profitability from your Music.


1- Go to http://Musicoin.org
2- Register automatically using your Twitter, Facebook, Google account or you can simply fill your information manually
3- Click on 'Get A Code'

4- Go to your Email and get Your Musicoin Confirmation Code
5- Copy your Confirmation Code
6- Go back to the Musicoin page and Paste your Confirmation Code
7- Click 'I'm not A robot' and Verify

8- Once Musicoin page opens, go to the 'Top Right' corner and click on 'My Profile
9- Upload your Public Profile picture
10- Fill up your information
11- Add your Social Media Pages as requested
(Kindly note this is a VERY IMPORTANT STEP as Musicoin needs this information to verify that you are who you mentioned and that you're a real artist).


1- On the 'Top Right Corner' Click on the Upload Icon
2- Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions
3- Click 'I agree to these terms of use'
4- Click 'Next'

5- Account Verification : Make sure all your Social media networks are Linked before releasing a track
6- Click 'Next'
7- Click on Upload File
8- Select the Track you want to Upload from your computer
9- Wait for Upload to Finish
10- Click on 'I confirm that I am the exclusive rights holder for this piece of work and/or have obtained the rights necessary to release this work'
11- Click 'Next'

Tips To Increase Your Audience Reach & Revenue : How To Embed Your 'Musicoin Player' To Your Social Media Platforms

Promoting and inviting listeners to hear your music on the Blockchain serves two main purposes, first introduce the new audience from the common social media platforms out there to the blockchain ecosystem and the beautiful communities, to solutions and opportunities it offers and second increasing your listeners and fan base and earning money with every Play. Let's Go!

1- Go to Musicoin.org
2- Click on "My Profile"
3- Scroll down and Select which song from your Musicoin list you want to Embed or Share
4- On the Top Right next to your "Song Title' Click on the "Tweet" button
5- Once You Confirm the information in the Twitter window that opens Automatically, Click on Tweet
6- Et Voila!

Musicoin is Free to use!!
I Highly encourage you to Register today Upload your music and Share it on the Blockchain ecosystem and your social medias and Start Earning Now!

if you would like to know more about Musicians on the Blockchain, Musicoin and other similar topics you might be interested in my other blogs.

-'Musicians On The Blockchain Series' #4: The Blockchain Reshaping The Music Industry & The New Opportunities To Earn From Your $Music
-How To Embed & Stream Your Musicoin Player on Twitter, Giving Musicians More Exposure & Instant Payouts
-The Musicians Quick Start Guide Compiled Series & More | #Each1Teach1 By DJ Lethal Skillz
-First Free Community Workshop for Malaysian Indie Artists
-Ending 2017 with a Bang | My Journey as a Musician on the Blockchain | Waking up on being 'Artist Of The Week' on Musicoin
-The Blockchain Musicians Guide: How To Transfer Your 'Musicoin' To Your 'Bittrex Wallet'

Hope this guide helps you with your Musician Journey On the Blockchain, If you have any questions or need more information please do comment below and let me know.

DJ Lethal Skillz

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