Why do plants like music?

Many people claim that plants have positive reactions on music, especially classical music.

Although many scientist will tell that this is still debatable and won't agree with these theories, recent researches and experiments have proven that the plants increase their growth, production and quality of their fruits if they were exposed to music.


Let's start with doctor Singh from India.

In 1962, he was playing some classical music to his balsam plants and they were growing 20% higher than usual. But their mass was bigger for 72%. So the doctor experimented with other genres of music and he noticed that plants love any music with positive and energetic vibrations. He found that the plants have the best reaction on the sound of violin.

Why plants shouldn't be able to enjoy the music?

They response on many environmental factors as cold, heat, noise and light. These factors can have good effects for the plants but they can also cause the stress to them and reduce their growth. Well, it's totally understandable how plants can react on noise, but how they can feel the rhythm and enjoy a nice melody?

A skeptic will first notice that plants do not have ears.

A sound travels in form of waves trough the medium and makes the particles of that medium (such as air, water...) to vibrate. So those waves come to our eardrums and make them vibrate and that is what our brain hears as the sounds. But once I saw a completely deaf guy dancing in the nightclub, he told me later that he feels the vibration trough his stomach and his brain receives that as the music.

So why would plants be unable to hear the music that way?

Plants can feel those vibrations and receive the same signal that your brain, thanks to your eardrums, perceives as music. And those vibrations obviously make the plants happy so they grow bigger and wider, they produce more leaves and better fruits. Many people who know something about this claim that the plants have the best response on classical baroque music, but that's probably wrong because studies proved that the plants have the same reaction on modern music, rock, electronic music, but jazz showed as the best for plants. It's also discovered that the music has good effects on seeds too.
Down on the video from Youtube you van see how some plants in greenhouses enjoy the classical music.

I think that you have some of plants at home.

I'm wrong? OK, maybe you just don't like them, but I bet that you have at least one little cactus that you don't have to take much care of it. Or some auto-flowering cannabis strain under the bulbs inside your closet. Try to install a little speaker near to the plant and make your own experiment. I think that you will enjoy. You AND your plant. ESPECIALLY your plant. And if you really do have that little stinky plant in your closet under the bulbs, you will also be rewarded! ;) ;) ;)

Thank you!!!


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