CALL for MUSIC and EVENT REVIEWS - Lets Create a Holistic Music Community!

You may know by now I manually curate and review - in a small team - music related posts, every single day. We try and spot the best posts of the day which we then reward with a nice upvote, from maybe 10$ up to 60$.

Going through all the posts, we've noticed a growing number of music publications, from original to none-original music. We also see quite a number of "how to learn to play xyz instrument" and "why music is good for us".

Rarely we detect posts talking about music in a review style, or sharing your experiences when attending some concert or dance party.

image: mainstage Wildeburg festival 2017 (the Netherlands)

Call for Music Reviews & Event Reports

I would love to see more of such kind of posts in our community! Such posts bring a personal touch to the music experience. It is your opinion and/or your experience you share with us, which will bring extra value to the community.

Music we can discover everywhere, YouTube/Soundcloud/Mixcloud and numerous other places, but personal opinions and reviews on songs/tracks/albums, and event reviews/reports sharing your personal experiences is a bit harder to find on the Big Internet! Steemit is a perfect channel for such kind of publications. Needless to say that Steemit is designed for writing, more than it is designed for posting audio and video.

Journalist/Writers with a Love for Music

We have several professional journalists in our community working in the music industry and writing about music on Steemit, or working outside the music industry but still write or vlog about music and publish on Steemit.

People like @fourfourfun @rawselectmusic @theneedledrop @carolinaigs @cmp2020 @antonireviews already writing/vlogging about music in review style quite a lot.

I'm pretty sure we have more users in the community doing the same. Please come forward and let yourself know to me and others in the community.

image: Mysteryland 2017 (the Netherlands)

Driving a Holistic Music Community

Wouldn't it be great when:

  1. We develop a music community covering all aspects of music?
  2. The (semi-)professional journalists start publishing even more music reviews, opinions and interviews at Steemit?
  3. More (semi-)professional writers start publishing about music?
  4. Original music posted at Steemit gets reviewed in a (semi-)professional manner?

I call for all those who love to write and have a love for music, to jump on the boat with all of us music lovers, creators, producers, and fans

and Jointly Create a SUPER COOL Music Community!

Although I don't have a project in mind yet, I already keeping lists of users and what they do. I like to extend these lists to include - ultimately - all music contributors and fans in our community!

Knowing we will get community features implemented in our backend database - the Steem blockchain - this year, I'm sure the activities I'm doing right now, will support enabling more connected music communities, now and for the (near) future when community features are enabled.

Looking Very Much Forward Meeting You!


follow me @edje
check out my music channel @qsounds

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