The value of music. Why your kid should learn music.

I recommend playing this video and listening to the music while reading.

Every time when I came back home from school and while waiting for someone to open the door, I could hear my brother playing piano. Sometimes I could hear him learning a difficult passage from some Chopin Studio or sometimes he was playing a Mozart or Beethoven sonata.

This little scene kept repeating during all my childhood until he moved to Germany to learn from the bests.

My parents always thought that it would be something good for our education to learn music. They registered us when we were little kids at the conservatory and every one of us could pick up an instrument and learn it starting a beautiful relationship with music. I learned how to play violin for six years, my oldest brother learned how to play piano and later on the guitar, my second oldest brother became a professional pianist, my third oldest brother learned to play drummer and my little sister learned how to play piano and later on guitar an bass.

My parents before I was born

There are going to be moments when your kid is going to get bored about it or not motivated enough and he is going to prefer staying home or doing some other activity.

Be strong and motivate your child to keep learning music. I ensure you that your kid will thank you for that in the future.

There have been many studies regarding the benefits of learning music:

  • It improves the language, the memory, the child's behavior and it improves the capacity to perceive the world and form mental images.
  • It has been discovered that the brain anatomy changes after just four months of learning music.
  • It increases the sensitivity.
  • Playing an instrument improves coordination.
  • It improves kid´s concentration.
  • It will make your kid more patient. Perseverance and dedication will teach your kid how calm down when impatience is taking over.

Music increases brain plasticity

Brain plasticity refers to the capacity of our brain to change. The grey matter can shrink or grow and this will affect directly our capacity to perform specific tasks. Although it is known that the brain of a child is more malleable it also can change as an adult by exercising it.

Music help kids to interact to each other

As any other social activity, when a child joins a little orchestra or any musical group, bonds are made where a shared interest helps as catalyzer for the “friendship-chemical-reaction”.

Music teaches kids to overcome fear, take risks and it increases self-confidence.

After 25 years I still remember the first time I played violin in front of some parents on the musical school. I remember the fear, the nervousness but mostly I remember how good I felt afterwards. I did it mum!

Not amplified music

It´s been proved that natural frequencies benefits our sense of hearing and take out the stress.

Learn Music, listen to music, live Music.

P.S The music from the first video is my brother and here is his introduceyourself. I convinced him to join Steemit to share his art:

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