MRMR-Mildly Ridiculous Music Reviews

The Song: Rapids By Emmy The Great


Now, I am not qualified to write a technical or for that matter, informative music review. Nope. Nope. Nope. There will be no eloquent sentences spouted from my end of the table on lyrical composition or verbal dissections of the tonal quality of an artist's song construction. Rather, I am just going to talk about why I like the little diddy.

Before I get to the comprehensive analysis of my ears latest lyrical and tonal assault; we should probably chat a bit about the tough criteria that a song must meet in order to become liked by Generikat:

  1. It must be music. (Wow! I am critical!)
  2. It can be any genre. Truly, I annoy my family with everything.
  3. In order to achieve my current fave list, the song must be melodic enough that I can sing, do loads of work, and intrigue both domestic livestock and native wildlife as I "sing it while I work." If my horse isn't trying to steal my headphones, the cats aren't meowing along, and mama moose isn't crashing through the brush towards me in a happy dance of song sang joy, then the song is going to get tossed off the playlist. Just saying.


Emmy The Great is that just that! I mean, anyone that is confident enough to label themselves with that adjective must have something going on. The tone of her voice is almost a perfect match to mine. Thus, I can belt out the words to Rapids without to many vocal Olympics on my part. Pitch-Match, set, and point!

At 4:14 long, I can completely switch out a washer and dryer full of laundry, wipe down the kid's bathroom, or wash and rinse an entire sink full of dishes before the tune ends.

mop-microphone optional

It really irritates my cats when I sing to them this particular line, "Do you, want to be around me?" In fact, the Siamese has been known to answer "Me-nooooo" in return. That cat is such a critic.

Chaos resigning to his melodic fate...

"Why are we always running to words?" This lyric is very deep. We could be running to art class, a buffet, hygge (Thanks Danish people!), Power Wheel racing, or any different type of self-expression. It does make one ponder, why is it always the running to words? Perhaps I will keep a pocket full of dip-dyed cotton balls and express myself in color!

In closing, this song makes me happy because it's just a little off of full speed. If you are having a day that's playing like a record at any speed but full rpm; this song will work in your life soundtrack.

Also, I kinda want to experience a barrel ride in real life.

And as always, with the exception of any cited, all of the images in this post were taken by the author, on her music blaring iPhone.

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