Foreign Music – Translated with LSD

Most Americans never hear good music from around the world, so here are a few of my favorite foreign music videos and what they mean to me. Each song was painstakingly translated with the help of LSD for accuracy and double checked with MDMA on numerous occasions for quality assurance.

Garmarna - Vänner och fränder

This is one of my favorite songs, it is the perfect blend folk, punk and magic. The LSD explained that it is about a girl that gets married to a king and the king gets poisoned, so she lies down to die in his deathbed. The MDMA claims that the king repeatedly drank the poison in a festive manner. The MDMA really loves this song and thinks that the lead singer might be Superwoman in disguise.

Molotov - Amateur (Rock Me Amadeus)

This is an incredible music video, it is the perfect blend of Beastie Boys, Mike Tyson's Punch Out and WTF. I can't understand any of it, even the English parts make no sense, but that hasn't stopped me from listening to it over and over. The LSD explained that this was the behind the scenes of Mike Tyson's Punch Out and he was singing about the struggles of the little guy in a rigged system.

MDMA loves this song and the idea that good will conquer evil, but it also felt bad for the loser who was just trying his best to win, but learned his best wasn't good enough so he was reduced to cheating. Some parts of this video made the MDMA very nauseous and it also had trouble deciphering this masterpiece, but hours after listening it kept screaming “Rock Me Amadeus... Sus-Sus-Super Star!”

Les Charbonniers de l'Enfer - Au Diable les Avocats

This is another great song, it is the perfect blend of folk, harmony and Wayne's World clones. The LSD explained that the lead singer once got in a relationship with a woman that turned out to be the devil and she tried to break up the band, but luckily Garth was there to set him straight. Now the entire band is thrilled that they got rid of that devil woman, but the lead singer is just putting on a brave face even though he is really dieing on the inside. The MDMA really feels for the guy and worries that if the other band members don't open their eyes soon, they may may not have a second album.

Warsaw Village Band - Cranes

This is another good song, it is a nice blend of punk, folk and demonic end of the world type music, but sadly I could not listen to this everyday. This song tends to scare the LSD, but it thinks they are singing about the environment, although it is not sure if they are for the environment or if they want to smash beer bottles in it. The MDMA thinks they are definitely interested in saving the environment, but the world will still end in an environmental catastrophe, regardless of their politics and for me not to worry about it, because I'll be fine.

Alabina – Alabina

This song grew on me and I decided to include it, because it passed the acid test. The LSD explained that the woman use to be a mermaid that lost her tail by spending too much time out of the water, the village began to worship her and they got the local Elvis impersonator to translate. She was very distraught because she left her love behind in the sea and after all these years, he still has not come for her. She is not sure if she should move on with her life or keep waiting for him. The Elvis impersonator is just happy that the mermaid godess is willing to sing with him and is about to put the moves on her. The MDMA felt sorry for everyone in this video, especially the poor villagers.

Nabiha Yazbek - Dikki Ya Rababa

This is not a great song, but what it lacks in audio pleasure, it more than makes up for it in the WTF factor. Some parts of this video scare the hell out of the LSD and other parts are really fun. The LSD claims that theses men joined an Islamic secret society and are now having the time of their lives. The MDMA thinks this video is great, it really likes how it shows Islam in a different light and hopes it can help heal some of the wounds brought on by the constant barrage of Islamaphobia. It even thinks that I should convert to Islam to join in the fun, but sadly it has no idea of what is happening. This video offers more questions than answers, so I handed it over to GHB, but all it said was that the women are really hot and they fancy older men.

I hope you enjoyed each song and the translations provided, I know LSD and MDMA are not perfect translating tools, but I have a feeling that they can't be any worse than google-translate. So if any native speakers would like to score the translations or offer more insight into the hidden meanings of these masterpieces, please do so in the comments bellow.

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