(Original Music) Got a Hold on Me, by: Elizabeth Petra (VIDEO)

Hi all you fellow Steemers! My cousin Elizabeth has got some serious talent and used to play a lot of music in Hawaii for local restaurants and what have you. I am trying to get her music out there as much as possible while at the same time getting her involved in crypto-currencies.

I was talking to her on Facebook the past few days and have inspired her to get back into her music playing. I just wanted to show you a little bit of the talent I see in this amazing girl!

ALL of the proceeds earned (if any) from this post will be converted to bitcoin and sent to her (including an extra $10 of bitcoin that I promised her I'd send her as well as soon as she sets up a wallet). :0) I am super proud of her and have already explained to her about how easy it is to do pretty much anything with bitcoin nowadays.  I told her about Exodus Wallet, Jaxx Wallet, using Gyft to buy things she wants, and Circle if she wishes to cash out to her bank account. I am super excited about this!

Please leave any comments you have for her and I will make sure to show her this page when all is said and done so that she can start monetizing on her brilliant talent. She has never been involved in anything crypto related, so please make this worth her time! I would really love to see her become a part of this community as I think she could spice things up a little bit over here. :0)

Thank you for your time and I hope that you enjoy the song! It is an original by her.

As always, Steem on!
-The Hatter!

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