The Dionisio Aguado works (1784 – 1849)

Today I write to you a little about one of my favorite composers for Guitar Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849)

For Cortés (2013), the Pedagogical publications of the composer, professor and Spanish guitarist Dionisio Aguado y García are one of the most important musical sources for the guitar as a concert instrument in the first half of the 21st century. XIX, and its magisterium is at the origin of current schools in the majority of conservatories where this instrument is taught.

According to the author, in 1819, Aguado began writing his first pedagogical work with the title of "Collect from studios for guitar", a method in which he exposes his technical and musical principles published in 1820 in the city of Madrid. In 1825 he edited his didactic work "Escuela de guitar", with the justification of the necessity of a method with the size of the technical demands required in the works of Fernando Sor and Federico Moretti, being "the first really comprehensive method for guitar of six Simple Strings" ( CARDOSO, 2015, p. 68).

Among the dates of the publications cited earlier Dionisio Aguado composed his "Trois Rondós brilliant op2." Dedicated to François de Fossa and published in Madrid in the year 1822. This work has the structure of three diptychs, in which a slow motion is followed by a fast. For Zigante (2000) the OP2. Of watery is its most significant concert piece for its breadth of form, inspiration and a highly original approach to the instrument, in the video below we can hear the interpretation of David Russel of the second piece of this ensemble.

In the year 1826 Dionisio Aguado moves to Paris, where is published a translation of "Escuela de Guitarra" under the title of "Méthode Compléte pour la guitare", still in the same year is published a second edition of the same method, in which according to Jeferey (2000) , there is an appendix magnified by the translator François de Fossa. The next method dedicated to the study of the guitar would come around 1834 in Paris under the title of "Nouvelle Méthode of guitare op. 6" With the purpose of enabling the amateur guitarist to play pleasantly in a short period of time, already Cortés (2013) points out in this method the indication of the use D and nails in the right hand, and emphasizes the assimilation of the aesthetics of the classical period in the works contained in this publication under the argument of having a perfect symmetry in the compositional structure of sentences.

This method presents three versions, the first published in French in 1834 and two other translations in Spanish with the following titles; Nuevo Guitar Method in 1840 and guitar method in 1844.

Díaz (2003) highlights two works composed between 1834 and 1835, the "Le Menuet Affandangado op15". and "Fandango variis op16"., as the only pieces in which the composer uses aspects of the Spanish popular tradition to compose. "Le Menuet Affandangado op. 15" is an experiment in which the composer combines the shape of the minuet with the rhythm of Fandango, employing a theme with variations preceded by a slow introduction, in which the emphasis constantly changes between the two forms.

"Le Fandango vary op. 16", is based much more openly on this popular dance that originated in the late 17th century. The fandango one of the pillars of Spanish music has its markedly rhythmic character which makes it ideal for long exhibitions of improvisation. Like Antonio Soler and Luigi Boccherini, Aguar produces a kind of transcription of an improvisation at a rhythm of Fandango, and uses the tradition of Spanish folk music illustrating the proximity and influence of this on classical music (ZIGANTE, 2000).

Around 1837 Dionisio Aguado returned to Madrid, Jeferey (2000) describes that after six years of his return was published another entirely new method and object of study in this work, under the title of "Nuevo method for guitar by D. Daydream watered", this work incorporated Some elements of his first two publications. Still for the author the "Nuevo Method for guitar by D. Daydream watered" of 1843 is the synthesis of his past experience, a long and mature writing work after years acting as teacher and Concertist and, in its coverage the publication has a detailed description of almost all aspects of Modern Violonistica technique. For Cardoso (2015) This is one of the works of the guitar literature that over the years was precursor of widely disseminated concepts, influencing directly in the current attitudes towards the instrument.

Dionisio Aguado also composed other works among them: “Douze Valses Op1”., “Huit Petite Piéces Op3”., “Six Petite Piéces Op4”, “Cuatro Andantes e Cuatro Valses Op5”., “Quatre Valses Facile Op7”., “Contradanses et Valses Facile Op8”., “Contradanses non Dificiles Op9”., “Exercices Faciles et Très Utiles Op10”., “Les Favorites Op11”., “Six Minuets et Six Valses Op12”., “Morceaux agréables et non difficiles Op13”., “10 Petites Pieces Non Dificiles Op14”., e as obras sem opus “Muestra de afecto y reconocimiento/Seis Valses de Guitarra”, “Douze Valses”, “Une Marche Militaire et un Thème Varié” e “Valses Caractéristiques” (IMSLP, 2016).


CORTÉS, Noberto Torres. La Guitarra Clásico-Romantica y la Guitarra “Pre-Flamenca” Em La Primera Mitad del Siglo XIX: Fuentes Musicales. Revista de Investigación Sobre Flamenco La Madruga. n. 9, p. i-li, dez., 2013.

DÍAZ, Pompeyo Perez. Dionisio Aguado y la guitarra clásico-romántica. Madrid: Editorial Alpuerto, 2003.

CARDOSO, João Henrique Corrêa. A técnica Violonistica: Um estudo das convergências e divergências nos métodos de ensino no decorrer da historia do violão. 161 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Pós Graduação em Música da Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015.

JEFERY, Brian. Tecla Editions. Disponível em Acesso em 14 agos. 2016.

ZIGANTE, Frederic. Lorenzo Micheli. Disponível em: Acesso em 14 agos. 2016.

IMSLP. List of Works by Dionisio Aguado. Disponível em: Acesso em 14 agos. 2016.

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