Matt's Marvelous Music Sunday - Recommend me a song, Win Free Steem!

—-> I’m giving away 20 Steem in this post! <—-

Hey Steemit,

There’s this new genre in my brain called Dream Beats. It’s somewhere in-between indie rock, psychedelic music, progressive music, and electronic music.

Here’s one of my own songs that captures what Dream Beats is all about:

I’m looking for more songs in this vein. Can you recommend me stuff?

Contest Rules

(1) Find a song on YouTube, Soundcloud, or Bandcamp.
(2) Link it in a comment in this thread. Maximum one submission per person.
(3) In 48 hours, I will announce my favorite recommendation in a new thread. Whoever submits the winning track will receive 20 STEEM as my thanks!

Best of all - I’m going to include the winning recommendation in my weekly Spirit Medicine newsletter. It’ll be a new section of the newsletter, called “Dream Beats from Steemit,” and I’ll shout out the winner / link to their profile there.

You can see more info about Spirit Medicine here:

Let's do it!

I’m doing this as an experiment to try my first Steem giveaway. Hopefully it will be fun for you and we’ll all discover some new music. If it goes well, we'll do it again next week :-D

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