Are You A Steemer & A MUSICIAN? Original Music Sought for Radio Program/Podcast - “ Reporting from Roswell”

 Calling original artists! 

If you are posting original music (here, or on YouTube, Pandora, Google Play, Wix, etc) and would be okay with some additional exposure and airplay, please reply me below with a link to your work.

My program is “Reporting from Roswell” (New Mexico, yes!). While I am an author of a UFO-related book, the program itself is much wider in variety than “paranormal” topics - just scroll through my recent guests to see what I mean. - (Powered by STEEMIT!)

(Alt/News, Conspiracy in general, anti-big-pharma, and human interest are all topics I like, and like to cover. Religion and Politics even happens as well. Tech and Science are awesome too - if I have a real expert who also speaks in down-to-earh lingo willing to come on.)

And hey, I’ve not only MOVED my podcast’s website to Steemit, I’ve already reached out to three or four fellow Steemers to be my next scheduled guests. "You don’t have to be rich," nor a famous celebrity to be on the program. A good article is all it takes to get my attention.

But to promote the Steemit platform (and myself, duh) my hope is to make ALL of my “bumper music” to eventually come from artists that are using Steemit 

to promote and share their work. Complete songs sometimes too - (heck, don't laugh, but years ago on my previous program I featured a full song as my "MySpace Artist of the Week" haha!). Rock, techno, almost all genres welcome.

Anyways, I’ve seen a lot of great music on here in the past week, but the problem I’m running into is that everytime time I take the time to comment and ask permission, the reply I get (if I do) is that “Oh that’s not my music, I just re-posted it from……”

So this post is my pro-active approach. 

Of course your Steemit profile will be linked, and any and all music will be properly attributed to you. I might mention you on the program as well, time permitting, as I do my current intro/outro band, Lana Lane. While seemingly “only” a podcast, you might like knowing that the program (the whole network in fact) plays all weekend on UPRN 107.7fm radio in New Orleans, Louisiana as well. 

(Regular FCC rules apply, so no explicit lyrics allowed, sorry).

I hope to hear from you soon. While I’ll eventually need an email stating that you are the original content creator granting me permission to play your music / song(s) if selected, just to keep things simply a reply below is that’s needed right now.

I look forward to checking out your material.
Best, Guy 

Img credit :

And hey don’t let the recent voting news and controversies make you afraid to Upvote below - you know this is the good stuff!

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