The Spaces Between the Notes

A vivid memory from last year came back to me. I woke up this morning thinking about the clarinet solo part of Messaien's Quartet for the End of Time, which I was so lucky to see performed live in Boulder at The Dairy Center for the Arts, which is itself one of my happy places.

It was a magical experience even though I am so not a classical music expert. But what stuck with me was the way the clarinet in particular managed to completely blur the line between silence and music. In the spaces between the notes Silence rushed in and painted the quiet in beautiful broad strokes. It was hypnotic and had me mesmerized. I remember feeling something quite profound. Typically I think of Sound as Breaking Silence. But now it is clear to me that Silence can give birth to Sound in a way that blesses it and does not separate from it in the same way that sound can give birth to Silence. This understanding gives me an extra peaceful place to be. Just be.

Even just a few seconds of the clip below is enough.

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