This Land is Used for Corporate Greed (EcoTrain)


Two summers ago my daughter began rewriting lyrics for Woody Guthrie's well known song This Land is Your Land. It became quite a project. Last summer as we were on a road trip between Tennessee and Colorado, she took a bunch of photos and some videos to create a visual background for the song. Every so often she needed some help so Mom, aka - me, held the camera. It's a bit long long, but holds a lot of wisdom, especially coming from a 15-16 year-old teenager. Take a listen. We have a good number of young people growing up in this world who give us reason for hope. And reason to do everything in our power, collectively and as individuals, to protect each other and our planet.

Just for grins, and because listening to the original is always worth it, here's a link to Woody as well.

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