Composition Of Hip Hop Beats With Instrumentals # 12 - Psychosis In America (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Acoustic Grand Piano 1.png

What is Psychosis? Psychosis is a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. With that being said, America has become a nation of psychotics! In today's dimension, it really seems like everyone is taking some form of anti psychotics. People are being told that their children are bipolar, and they need to be on anti-psychotics, while elder Americans with dementia are drugged up, in heavy doses that was once reserved for schizophrenic patients. The American people with symptoms such as chronic depression to anxiety and insomnia, are now being prescribed anti psychotics at alarming rates that seem to stipulate a national multitude Psychosis in America.

For this instrumental music which I feel like describes this mass psychosis, I used a piano sound in the VSTi plugin Sample tank to start things off. This piano sound that I got from the SAMPLE TANK was called Acoustic Grand Piano 1. The number one indicating that there's several other acoustic type of pianos. As you can see in the 1st screenshot above, I laid down the main melody to the instrumental beat. The melody was fairly simple.

1st Impression.png

After laying down the main melody, I also added a second set of pianos that sounded different from the first piano that I laid down. I used the pianos found in the VSTi plugin purity called 1st Impression to add on the the main melody of the instrumental. I trust that everyone can hear the pianos clearly and if not, excuse the mixing. I'm always trying to get better at mixing because mixing is the most important part when creating instrumentals.

Woodwind Basoon Vib.png

I then added a Woodwind Basoon vib sound that was in the PURTIY VSTi plugin, this sound comes in at the 18, 19 second mark. I really like how this woodwind sounds like some kind of brass and this sound also gave the instrumental music it's mass type of vibe.

After I laid down the foundation sounds to get the instrumental music going, I then started to work on the drums for the beat. I like to keep my drum patterns simple because it allows the melody to flourish. Some of my beats have simple drum works and some have complicated drum patterns with a lot of break downs. It all depends on the type of vibe that I'm getting off the beat. Make sure to listen to what your instrumental music is telling you when you are creating it because music speaks to us and if you can't hear your own music that you are creating then you're going to have a tough time bonding with your own creation in my opinion.

Trace Sqr Lead Synth.png

After getting the instrumental to a point where I can direct which sounds to go where they need to go, I added a Trace Sqr lead synth sound within the instrumental hip hop music beat. You can hear this sound come in around the 12 second mark of the beat. It's the only sound that sounds like you're firing a laser gun lol

Bowed Lead - Lead Synth.png

I also added this sound called the Bowed Lead in the Lead Synth section of the VSTi plugin purity. This sound is a lead sound but it sounds like it can be a violin sound playing in the beat. This sound gave the instrumental a little swing type of melody going. I don't know how to explain it lol but I thought this sound was perfect for the music beat.

Mid Strings.png

To support the main melody sound, I added these Mid Strings that I also got from the VSTi plugin called PURITY. This is the sound that you'll hear in the intro of the instrumental beat sound. This sound also comes back in at the 37 second mark and is mixed in into the build of the beat. Mixing is always key to any music and I really believe that without a good mix to any music, then the music itself wouldn't sound that great. Can you imagine a world of music without mixing? I can't and I think music wouldn't sound that great if we didn't fix the levels to each sound.

Spiccato Strings.png

I also added some Spiccato Strings that are in the Hypersonic VSTi plugin to support the Bowed Lead sound. I definitely thought this was a good choice to add on to the instrumental because it just sounds so perfect with this beat. It gave the instrumental beat the dramatic trauma vibe that the track was missing.

Vibe Bells In Bell Perc.png

To support the Trace Sqr lead synth sound within the instrumental hip hop music beat, I added this Vibe Bells out of the Purity Plugin in the Bell Perc section of the VSTi. This sound was layered on top of the synth to make it sound like one sound but this sound doesn't come in until the 37 second mark. You can slightly hear it in the background going along the trace sqr lead

VOX.Key Fast Synth.png

Last but not least is this heavenly piano type of sound which is not a piano at all. This is a synth sound found in the Purity VSTi plugin and this sound is called VOX.Key in the fast synth section of the plugin. You can hear this sound in the intro of the instrumental hip hop music beat. It comes in the 3rd bar of the instrumental, you can't miss this sound because it is apart of the intro and once you hear it, you'll hear it come in throughout the transitioning of the instrumental hip hop music.

Crunk Bass.png

The last sound to complete this psychosis instrumental is a crunk bass sound. This is the only bass that I added to this instrumental so no Sub Bass from the Hypersonic this time. This bass further contributed to the overall "mass hysteria" vibe of this instrumental perfect and without it, it would be the same instrumental beat that you hear today.

Below is the finished version of the instrumental and it is for free download. If you really like these instrumentals that I am posting, please feel free to leave a comment below, all feedbacks​ are appreciated, including negative ones as well. Thank You.

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