Elderberry Juice = VOCAL SALVATION! 🙌🎶


I can't really shut up when it comes to telling folks about elderberries lately. The reason is simple: it's completely changed the game in regard to my vocal health and general vocal endurance...in addition to a slew of outstanding other effects like improved immunity and digestion, among other cool stuff!

Here's the deal...as much as I sing, I don't consider myself that much of a singer. Odd, I know, but what do ya do...

Anyway, I have no real formal vocal training...so I've developed some less-than-outstanding habits when it comes to taking care of my voice. I'm working on this, as my ignorance is alleviated, but in the meantime, I find myself hit hard in the voice when allergy season is upon us, or when I have marathon days of long gigs in a row...it takes a toll.

I used to smoke metric fucktons of cigarettes, which is completely terrible for one's voice...and back in those days, I would regularly wake up with a sore throat and it also felt like my throat was swollen almost to being closed up...definitely constricted. However, at that point I didn't care as much as I do now.

As I've aged, I started wanting to care more for my voice, and almost simultaneously, noticed myself being more and more affected by allergies...especially those related to mold or other things when it's rainy and or humid outside for multiple days in a row. In Missouri, the humidity is very real. One could almost cut the air it feels so thick out sometimes. My sinuses do not love this.

But, I digress.

Sometimes, even though I don't smoke cigarettes much anymore, I still wake up occasionally with the swollen and constricted throat. This used to bring me much anxiety at the idea that my voice would probably not recover by the time I needed to play so my options were to sing and sound like crap, and additionally just add to the problem...so the cycle would repeat itself. Wake up the following morning feeling worse than I'd felt the morning before because the problem had just compounded at that point.

Enter my homeboy Kyler and the magic of Elderberries:

I have a friend who is working with diligence to bring elderberries into the homes of everyone who would benefit from it...which is basically everyone. I'm approaching this from the perspective of a singer, of course, and he was the first person to clue me in to the incredible anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting properties within elderberry products.


According to elderberrydepot.com:

Elderberries are packed with minerals such as iron, potassium, phosphorous, and copper. They also include vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, proteins, and dietary fiber. That combined with beneficial organic compounds that function as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents in the body, and you have a strong immune system building berry!

So what?

In addition to giving my immune system a boost (which I literally feel an energy boost within 20 minutes of taking my morning juice shot), I also notice general reduction of inflammation...including my throat and vocal cords. I don't stress about it anymore, because I know if I have my elderberry shot, that I'll be okay...and it hasn't let me down yet. That said, I've been in a couple of real vocal pinches and it worked. I've also warded off several instances in which I know I'd have gotten sick were it not for the Elderberry Complete I take in a 2oz shot in the morning, and twice daily when I'm really feeling it.

There have also been studies conducted that found that folks expressing flu symptoms found remedy faster than those who didn't, it has been shown to lower cholesterol, and the berry is also being explored in areas of cancer treatment and AIDS, as well. It's a commonly recognized medicinal herb, and it's health benefits are generally recognized in texts like Mosby's Nursing Drug Reference and other handbooks. Check out the references at the bottom of this post for all kinds of access to these studies so you can read up on it for yourself if you're so inclined.

An Immunity Powerhouse!

Elderberries are one of the richest sources of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds among small fruit and have strong antioxidant capacity. When anthocyanins are included in the human diet, they exhibit a wide range of antioxidant protection and therapeutic benefits which may include reduced risk of coronary heart disease, reduced risk of stroke, anticarcinogenic activity, improved visual acuity, and improved cognitive behavior. Recently, extracts of both European, black or common elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) and American elderberry (Sambucus canadensis L.) demonstrated significant chemopreventive potential controlling enzymes commonly associated with various forms of cancer. European elderberry extracts have also demonstrated antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory, and to a lesser degree, atheroprotective properties in pilot clinical or physiological trials.

Boosting your immune system helps literally everything in your body!

Live in the Midwest United States and interested in growing elderberries?

We need more people growing elderberries! You can grow them on your homestead, and I even know folks living urban who have planted elderberries on their property.

According to elderberrydepot.com:


One acre of elderberries will produce 5,000-8000 pounds selling at a fair market value of $2.00/lb. This will result in a gross income of between $10,000-$16,000 annually and will produce fruit for 23-25 years. 90% of the US elderberry supply is being imported from Europe, while the elderberry plant is native to the Midwestern region of the United States. From a consumer standpoint, there is an untapped potential demand in the healthcare industry.

Untapped potential, indeed. You can learn more about growing opportunities and gather further resources here.

This is the particular product that I use and that has changed the game for me. They're not paying me or giving me anything to brag on them, either. I just have fallen in love with the way it makes me feel, and want to share it with anyone who could possibly benefit from it...especially my friends in the musical community here on Steemit.

Elderberry Complete from Elderberry DepotSupplement Facts/Ingredients

I like this product for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I like it because the elderberries contained within these bottles are sourced from Missouri, and that's where I am. If you are also in the Midwest, or even the US in general, buying this bottle of elderberry juice supports the emerging market of elderberry farming within the United States!

Sources: Read more about the amazingness of elderberries here!


Find a HUGE comprehensive list of categorized resources and links to documented, peer-reviewed studies about elderberry health benefits. This is an amazing resource, right here.

All pulled quotations and elderberry photos are directly from ElderberryDepot.com and used with written permission.

Click here to grab a bottle of Missouri-sourced elderberry juice for yourself!

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