Original, talented, active, content-creating musicians are joining Steemit at a great rate. I am a new one, and I see new peers in introduceyourself every day who are original musicians. This excites me, and I am really pumped to see how this community is going to grow over the next months.
As musicians, we typically post our content to #music as it is the most widely-accepted tag for our genre. It is there we get the greatest exposure.
Okay, so what's the issue?
Today, as I was browsing through the Hot and Trending posts, I noticed that the feed was seemingly clogged at that particular time with videos that did not contain original content.
Essentially YouTube shares equating to sharing a random music video you like onto Facebook. However, the content was not original to the share, and does not promote artist and creator-centers for us to share with each other.
In a sea of single-video shares which do not contain original content, our posts are getting buried by spammy yet gray-area-in-a-rules-free-online-society. The original content we came here to share and make and do and be is getting buried under someone's playlist. At one point today, there was only one original music post listed on the front page of #music.
If we are coming here to create and share those creations with others, we need an area where our art will not get pushed to the bottom. That's not why we came here. We came here to see and share and do in a community with other makers and creators who enjoy doing the same things.
Okay, so what's the solution?
I jumped into steemitabuse-classic chat this afternoon and brought the subject up to, and subsequently had a quick discussion with @patrice about proposing a new tag. Apparently, this idea had been mentioned at some point but no change had been made. I really think it is time we make that change.
We need something that distinguishes the MAKERS from simply SHARERS.
From the conversation we had, it was relayed that the music tag was pushed before all the original artists had jumped on board, and perhaps some of that copy/paste situation was already in place when we got here. It IS music, and there are no rules.
My suggestion is that we move our original music to #originalmusic.
We need our own space to be heard.
Who's with me, original musicians? What do YOU think?
Regardless of genre, if you're making original music, we move our primaries to #originalmusic so when we hit that Hot and Trending button, we are actually looking at, listening to, and discovering our community, which is so rich with diverse talent and skill. I can go to YouTube to see random MTV playlists. I'm here to see YOU, and you have welcomed me so much that I feel you're here to see ME, too. I want it to be easier for us to connect with each other.
I am going to start using the #originalmusic tag on my original tunes, and I greatly encourage all original musicians to jump on board with it, resteem, join in the discussion and tag a musician friend.