60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988

My next ten songs take us into the heart of the 80s, the years between 25 and 30 years old, when I was still a bit of a party animal, and did lots of dance classes and musicals.

First up, let’s have some Joan Armatrading. Although I love The Weakness in Me, I’m going to go with Drop The Pilot from 1983.

The other week we actually got out some vinyl and listened to Bob Marley’s Legend from 1984. I know CDs or mp3s are more convenient, but the sound of a record being played on a good stereo really is awesome. I’ve picked Is This Love for you.

But that was a Best Of, so we really have to have a single from 1984 as well. So now we have Prince – When Doves Cry, one of many classics from a master musician who we sadly lost this year.

1985 – This list wouldn’t be complete without something by New Zealander Kiri Te Kanawa. I first heard Bailero in 1985 when the sublime Torvill and Dean performed to it. If you want to see them, the only video I could find has an interview beforehand. Skip through to 2:15 for their performance.

Or just listen to Dame Kiri by herself.

1986 – In 1986 there wasn’t anything that absolutely had to be in here – though I’ll probably trip over something next week that I’ll wish I’d put in, like ya do. But for now, it’s probably time for an all girl band, and this was an 80’s classic, so here are The Bangles with Walk Like an Egyptian live.

1987 – @sift666 loves the Beastie Boys, and I have to say I’m not a fan. But there is one of their songs which I like and it’s a classic party anthem, which we haven’t had many of – You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Party. Of course, being a purist and a true fan, @sift666 says this song is why they weren’t taken seriously and all their other stuff is much more awesome. I’ll take his word for it.

But now we come to 1988 which was such a good year I can’t even narrow it down to 2!

We start with the amazing Melissa Etheridge. I always liked her music but never fully appreciated what a superb musician she was till I saw her live a few years back. Hats off to this lady! Here’s “Bring Me Some Water”.

1988 – Moving on to something completely different. I’ve always had a fondness for this song by The Pogues – Fairytale of New York.

And third pick for 1988 – Eric Carmen – Make Me Lose Control. (@merej99 - his hair is even more amazing than George Michael!)

Ok, over and out. Check back next week for more awesomeness.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully listening and enjoying at least some of them.

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Some of my previous posts about music: Benefits of joining a community choir ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966 ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971 ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976 ~ ~ Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music ~ ~ 60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983

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