🎶 Heavier Music A Fun Test For Your Vocal Range - My Top Picks 🎶

There is nothing I love more than an awesome vocal challenge, better than that is a vocal challenge accompanied by heavy music full of power and emotion.

When I first started to really sing when I was around 12 years old, I had very limited control and I think in some ways I was hindered by my four octave range the power behind it.

I spent hours singing songs on repeat driving my family insane when I went out of key, or with my constant range changes - I had this tool but no idea of how to use it.

I didn't love to sing when I was very young and I think my insecurities over my hearing impairment, may have led me to shine away from anything that made me rely on my hearing - including singing.

Once i realised how much I truly loved to sing I couldn't be stopped, I had to turn the songs up to insane volume levels to be able to hear them properly - but then meant I had to really pelt out the song.

So the first way I started to learn to control my voice was through sheer volume and power, maybe because of this I have always been drawn to strong powerful vocals.

Heavy songs fulfill most things I like about music, they are full of passion and emotion and often tell a story along the way - so here are my top picks for heavy music with a vocal challenge.

Sweet Sacrifice

Evanescence cops a lot a flack about their status as a band, are they rock are they metal and to be honest I don't really care - I just like their music.

I have found Amy Lee's vocal range to be an amazing challenge and she performs songs that tell a story - I like the challenge and the sound so what's not to like?

Some of my favourite songs from Evanescence are Call Me When You're Sober, My Immortal, Hello and Lithium all brilliant and all provide some serious vocal challenge when you're belting it out with passion.

They have heaps of great songs that provide a variety of different challenges from range to ability, worth checking out with the mainstream bias on your mind.

System Of A Down

Again another group that are not nearly appreciated enough, their songs fit two main styles those with a message and those for fun - both are awesome.

System is an American Armenian band, they have countless brilliant songs some of the best are those that pack a political punch like the one featured above.

Some other songs worth checking out would be Aerials, Toxicity, Chop Suey and Hypnotize, these are all amazing tracks and definitely worth your time.

BYOB is a perfect example of their truly unique style and really well worth a listen, but there are so many amazing songs of theirs to check out - no wonder they are one of my favourites of all time.

The Pot

A slower softer song at times it still meets my heavy standard, the beautiful thing about Tool is their ability to use the soft with the heavy to pack more of punch when things really get going.

Known to have hidden meanings in their music, I have listened keenly to their songs for over a decade and still tonight while writing this post - I found myself struggling to choose which song of theirs to feature.

Unique in style and imagery I get lost in the long instrumentals, that can make you feel as though you are physically being moved - their music builds to a point where it all comes crashing down.

Some other songs of theirs worth listening to are 42 and 6, Anema, Sober and Lateralus, just beware their songs are a lot longer than most these days.

Coming Undone

Amusingly Korn was the first single I ever bought Freak On A Leash, I loved it and just couldn't get enough and I guess in a way was the beginning of my love of heavier song and music.

It was unlike anything I had ever heard before, up until then I had only really been exposed to poppy mainstream top 20 style music - which don't get me wrong will always hold a place in my heart, but nothing gets me psyched up like heavier music.

Korn music felt strong and powerful and full of emotion I just couldn't go past them, I really recommend checking out not only this song but Freak On A Leash as well.

Drowning Pool

To be honest I don't know a lot about this group, but I remember the first time I heard this song I just couldn't help but get caught up in it.

The feelings and emotions it brought to the surface just felt so raw and primal, I really love this song even given it's darker undertones I can't help but find myself singing as it builds along the way.

Great to get you pumped up and going, I used to listen to this song when I was running late for the train - I found I'd be walking with such an intense focus and speed.

Down With The Sickness

I have featured Disturbed before with their rendition of the Sound Of Silence, now one of my altime favourite songs.

Disturbed's lead sings has an amazing vocal range and ability, their songs aren't just noisy screaming - but actual challenging melodies that some of the pop singers today would struggle to replicate.

I love the deep tonality of his voice and the immense power behind it, I really recommend checking out the above song and The Vengeful One, The Light and The Sound Of Silence.

There are heaps of amazing heavy and metal bands out there, that take their genre to the next level and allow their natural abilities shine through.

What's your favourite heavy song/band?

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