T̲h̲e̲ ̲m̲e̲a̲n̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲l̲i̲s̲t̲e̲n̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲t̲o̲ ̲m̲u̲s̲i̲c̲!̲

Music is indisputably one of the best ways we can have people to express ourselves and to be able to alleviate both our emotions and our daily pressures.

By making music as we listen to it, we can be people with a better quality of life, so much so that music is one of the oldest activities of our humanity. Music is inherent to our origins, music has been protagonist along with us since the appearance of the first man on our land. Cultures respect, make, listen and enjoy.

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Music has many effects on people who listen to it. Music has a different meaning for everyone. Music is relevant for all human beings as for all other living beings because when listening to music, all living beings assume a different behavior than when there is no music. Really the musical notes, the various musical notes, have an effect that we can not question, about all. It is an effect that regardless of age, regardless of race, language, size, context, religious beliefs, ideology, culture, country or continent, will always have a real and sincere effect about people.

Listening to music can have several different meanings: People usually do to feel more relaxed, to relieve pressure, because they are sad or because they are annoying, because they want to celebrate or because they want to remember.

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 There are countless meanings that can be given to the action of listening to music for people and one of the most sincere reasons that people have in doing so is very linked to feelings, music unleashes feelings in people or feelings already unleashed In people they bloom much better with music.

Love is one of the feelings that are best reflected in the music. If it matters the emotional state of someone when making music, since this is the initiator of such rhythms and such letters, we can imagine that music could be created by a computer, but the truth is, a computer does not have felings and therefore does not have the ability to compose the musical melodies that in effect if a person could be overflowing with feelings like love.

We say, love because most songs are composed of people's feelings and these behaviors often turn to love. We see it in his lyrics. The same happens when you listen to them, just as with the people who make them, the people who listen to it feel the same and are reflected in those sounds, so there is an accompaniment of the music with the feelings of the people. 

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We can say very sincerely, that most people listen to music because they feel a connection between their feelings and the lyrics and the sounds they are receiving, it always reminds us of something we really want.


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