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**Passaggio di un'era by Lorenzo **
Lorenzo Pistolesi : Guitar and voice
Luca Maciocco : E Piano
Ivan de Luca : Bass
Thierry Paley : Drums
Passage of an era
English translation
This is the passage of an era
and we are all here waiting for
This is the passage of an era
and we are all here to meet you
But still do not know if we all want it
I'll still do not know if we're all ready
This is the passage of an era
that we have always been here to want
Each with his craft each with a family to love everyone here together
This is the passage of an era
that was no longer sustainable
We remembered that in the evening, instead of talking to the next, we would turn on the television
This is the passage of an era
full of screens and falsehoods
But this is the passage of an era
in which humanity stood out
In which everyone could be
and have what everyone has
Because the passage of an era
is something that changes humanity
And it does not only change it outside
but it also changes it within you
because you have chosen to live in this age
And these members of a society
that share their energy
and this age is this human dignity
There is room for all
this depends on how you behave
There is room for your torment
if you have not decided to turn them into moans
There is also room for doubts
together will become needs
There is also room for nature
that you will let grow around you
There is also space for music,
the music that plays
There is also room for future social farming
However, there is no more room for dictatorship, violence and utopia
The utopia of believing that fundamentally nothing will change

Lorenzo Pistolesi