Hello mighty readers! Bringing a proposed topic by Eagle Spirit & Freedom Tribe - MUSIC FREEDOM

From all the awesome groups I actively participate on Discord, I have to say that @freedomtribe is one of the most challenging ones.

Everyday we feel like home, it's a place where the respect and the community sense are most evident, and practiced in fact. The group challenges us on interesting discussions and dialogues where we feel safe to bring an opposite opinion without fearing being attacked or judged.

Part of the whole engagement is the #freedomfriday, promoted by our friend @eaglespirit. Every Friday she brings a theme in which we have to share our thoughts. I've got to admit that it's challenging, it makes me go way beyond my comfort zone as a writer, if I can call myself one.

Without further ado, this Friday the theme is FREEMDOM MUSIC, so of course we are FREE to write a protest song, create some lyrics, or share our favourite freedom songs. Let's dive into it.


Image Source: CC0 Creative Commons on Pixabay.

It's hard for me to go deep into the philosophical aspect of Music and try to ally it with Freedom. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, trying to understand what Music Freedom is.

Is it Freedom to do whatever you want in your lyrics? Is it Freedom to play guitar naked? Is it songs that transmit a sense of freedom in us?

Freedom to Say What You Want


"No Censorship" sign, Brazil during military regime.

Starting from the first definition of Freedom on the dictionary - the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint - I'd like to talk about a period of Brazil where expressing your opinion would for sure mean troubble, or maybe even a death sentence. From 1964 to 1988, a period that I was not yet alive, Brazil lived the Military Regime. I won't enter into the historic aspects of this periods simply because I lack the knowledge, but I know that censorship hit the streets to protect the government from communism and artists had to find all sorts of ingenious ways to dribble the organs dictating what could be said, and what couldn't. That led to the creation of some brazilian classics from worldwise famous Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, or the rocks from Mutantes and Raul Seixas.

I'm not going to list them here because they are not songs that I like to listen, however, I thought it would add to my self discovery of that is Freedom Music. So, I conclude that yes, it's awesome to have this sense of Freedom today, to be able to listen or write what we want without suffering hindrance or restraint, and yes, it indeed connects to the main idea of this topic - Freedom Music.

Songs That Transmit a Sense of Freedom

I'm a really mechanic guy, not only in the greasy part of it, but I tend to be really bad at expressing philosophical thoughts and ideas, hence I'm also really bad at interpreting song lyrics - that's why I play the guitar and not write songs; that's why I play the blues and not super melodic and well arranged chord progressions.

By playing guitar I'm able to express my ideas without the need to explain it, without the need to put into words what I want to say, I simply flow with a rythm and let it go. For the same reason I'm bad at knowing the lyrics of a song, most of the time I'm hearing to the guitars and they are the one factor to make my body shake.

How can I translate into words the songs that transmit a sense of Freedom? Is it even possible? I don't know. But I'll leave here some songs that give me a lot of energy and motivation to be Free and go pursue my dreams.

I hope you have enjoyed this messy post. For you? What are the songs that make your spine dither? Drop a comment down below, I'd love to listen.

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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