Rainforest Jam with Didgeridoo & Foot drums - by The ONE-MAN FESTIVAL, naTHAN Kaye

One-man band, naTHAN Kaye - RAINFOREST JAM!
Aside from it's rather straight-forward title, this was a completely improvised and unrehearsed jam, shot by the immensely talented and giving, Arterium.

As with my previous performances, nothing is looped or pre-recorded in this one-man band performance. I am simultaneously playing the 12 string guitar,
Slide-Didge (modern adaptation of the traditional Aboriginal wind instrument known most commonly as didgeridoo),
vocals and
electronic foot drums (homemade from wetsuit, plywood, guitar cables, and contact mics into a drum module).

Musically, it is mostly based around a couple of melodic scales I grew up listening to a lot of, which is found in Jewish, Arabic and Indian cultures...

It's epic (as in super long! Lol)! But those that know my live shows will hopefully be transported back into the sonic explorations of the vibrational world I'm passionate about weaving...

The sung part is akin to a guided visualisation to help clear out all that no longer serves you on this incredible trek of life...

This kind of music is an antidote to the music industry's banal standard of everything needing to be hooky in the first 20 seconds, so this is made for those more sapient people that are able to free themselves of the constant distraction of the modern 7 second attention span and journey upon sonic waves by listening deeply...
It's an invitation to stop the incessant scrolling and just be present... Feel... Breathe... Groove...

By the way, it took a lot of time and energy to produce and edit this, yet offered as a gift, so if you enjoyed, please share it around to spread the good vibes...

I do hope you enjoy this performance!

Thanks so much for listening.
If you felt the vibe of this performance, please do upvote, resteem, follow @nathankaye and comment. I'd really love to hear from you.

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