Paul Hallman - How Many Times Have You Broken My Heart? (Studio Recording)

This song was written by Hank Williams and Norah Jones. Yes, you read that right. OG Hank himself wrote these lyrics, and they were among many unfinished songs that were found in a briefcase in his Cadillac when he died. Or maybe they were finished, we’ll never know. He never got the chance to sing them for anyone. All the lyrics were given to Bob Dylan to finish twelve of them for an album, but he farmed out eleven of them to other artists. Norah Jones did the best one, by far. She did a great job of getting into Hank’s head and writing music that sounds like him, but there’s a little something extra she adds that just lifts it up into the clouds. As soon as I heard this song I knew it was perfect for my friend Kelly Gelbert, and she fell in love with it instantly. The ethereal vocal harmonies took a bit for me to wrap my head around, but I’m pretty happy with the result.

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